對英文頗有認識的人, 快進來 急.....................

2007-04-16 2:16 am
person, people. human, man/woman  有什麼分別

回答 (6)

2007-04-16 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
person, 可數的, one person, two persons,
people, 已經代表[眾數], e.g. There are many people in the street.
但peoples就指有很多不同種族的人: There are different peoples in the world.

human=人類, 可以有[眾數]
man, 男人 而眾數是 men
woman, 女人 , 而眾數是 women
e.g. Men and women are all humans.
Person ~ 一個人
People ~ 人們
Human ~ 人
Man/Woman ~ 男人/女人
參考: myself+dictionary
2007-04-16 7:01 am
person = 形容一個人的意思
people = 形容多於一個人的意思
human = 人類
man = 男人
woman = 女人
參考: My brain
2007-04-16 2:49 am
Quick definitions (people)
noun: (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children)
Quick definitions (person)
noun: a human being
Quick definitions (human)
noun: any living or extinct member of the family
Quick definitions (man)
noun: an adult male person (as opposed to a woman)
參考: www.onelook.com
2007-04-16 2:36 am
Person -- 係用作單一個人..
eg. This person is asking to see you. 這個人想見你.
People -- 係用作多人..
eg. Whose are those people? 這些人是誰?
Human -- 係只人類..
eg. Dogs are good friends with human. 狗是人類的好朋友.
man/woman -- 只性別, 男人/女人
eg. He is a nice man(/woman).

2007-04-15 18:37:30 補充:
eg. He(/She) is a nice man(/woman).
參考: myself
2007-04-16 2:20 am

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