
2007-04-16 1:29 am
The poor was died on the street, because the weather was very cold and she was very hungery.Then a benevolent elf went to our would abdrescjue the girl. After that, the elf take her to the paradis.The girl thought go to the paradis is a good things, because she can found her mother and grandmother. The girl's dad knowed her daughter was died, he was very happy because since he doesn't like his daughter. Three days later, the girl actually can find her mother in the paradis.

Henceforward,the girl existence happiness's life.

回答 (2)

2007-04-16 12:41 pm
The poor was died on the street >> the poor who? would be better if you explicitly state " the poor girl"

the weather was very cold and she was very hungery >> very cold, hungry - won't die. "it was too cold and she was starving." might be better

went to our would abdrescjue the girl>>
went to our "world" <-spelling mistake
went to our "world" and abdrescjue - no such word, you could say "went to our world and took her soul with him to the paradise"

cancel this (After that, the elf take her to the paradis.) if you use "...took her soul with it to the paradise..."

The girl thought go to the paradis is a good things, because she can found her mother and grandmother.>>
"The girl thought that IT WOULD BE A good thing to go to the paradise, because she can FIND her mother and grandmother"
( you should use "find" not "found" here because it hasn't happened yet)

The girl's dad knowed her daughter was died
THe girl's dad KNEW her daughter was died

he was very happy because (cancel "since", as since = because)

Three days later, the girl actually (cancel "can") FOUND her mother in the paradisE.


hope this helps
2007-04-16 1:37 am
參考: 自己

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