
2007-04-16 1:00 am
1904年,第一個中國人在香港從事電影事業,他就是余順豐。 而第一部在香港拍攝的故事片是1909年由亞細亞影戲公司(圖右)製作《偷燒鴨》,它是一部短片,劇情很簡單:一個瘦小的小偷(由梁少玻飾演)偷一個胖商人(由黃仲文扮演)販賣的燒鴨,被警察(由黎北海扮演)發覺,把小偷捉住。而這部片的導演是梁少坡,他是香港第一位電影導演,也同時是第一位男主角。1973年美國人賓杰門•布拉斯基創辦了香港首家電影公司「華美影片公司」 并與“香港電影之父”——黎民偉 合作拍成《莊子試妻》,但當此片拍完後布拉斯基把影片帶回美國,因此由香港電影公司製作的第一部電影,只在美國上映而從來沒有在香港面世。在1922年,黎民偉建立了香港首家中國人全資擁有的電影公司—「民新」,并於1924年生產了香港第一部故事長片《胭脂》,

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2007-04-16 2:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong's first movie:
The first Chinese who developed the movie business in HK, in the year of 1904 is Yushunfeng. The first movie, Duck Stealing(?), shown on HK was filmed by the Asian Movie Co. Ltd.(?), it was a short movie, and the plot was simple, "a thin young thief (played by Leungshaopo(?)) had stolen a fat business man's (played by Wongchunman(?)) selling duck, and was busted and arrested by the police (played by Laibeihai(?))." The directer of this film was Leungshaopo(?), he's the first director in the history of HK, and also the first artist ever shown on HK theatres. 1973, an american Jackmen Bluskeys(?) established Wamei(?) Movie Co Ltd, the first HK movie company, and accompanied with "The Father of HK Movie(?) Laiwaimen(?), which produced "Zhuangzhishici". This movie was then brought back to america by Bluskeys, so the first Chinese movie made in HK was shown in the US but never shown in HK. In the year of 1922, Laiwaimen(?) established Munsun(?), another HK movie company, and was fully owned by the Chinese. It filmed the first long movie in HK: "Yinchi(?)" in the year of 1924.

完全自己翻譯,無proof read但grammar一定好過人地用網譯個d ^^

2007-04-18 04:51:51 補充:
參考: i typed this for 10minutes i do suck
2007-04-16 1:06 am
下~ 你出5分想搵人幫你譯左呢段野?!

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