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Hong Kong's first movie:
The first Chinese who developed the movie business in HK, in the year of 1904 is Yushunfeng. The first movie, Duck Stealing(?), shown on HK was filmed by the Asian Movie Co. Ltd.(?), it was a short movie, and the plot was simple, "a thin young thief (played by Leungshaopo(?)) had stolen a fat business man's (played by Wongchunman(?)) selling duck, and was busted and arrested by the police (played by Laibeihai(?))." The directer of this film was Leungshaopo(?), he's the first director in the history of HK, and also the first artist ever shown on HK theatres. 1973, an american Jackmen Bluskeys(?) established Wamei(?) Movie Co Ltd, the first HK movie company, and accompanied with "The Father of HK Movie(?) Laiwaimen(?), which produced "Zhuangzhishici". This movie was then brought back to america by Bluskeys, so the first Chinese movie made in HK was shown in the US but never shown in HK. In the year of 1922, Laiwaimen(?) established Munsun(?), another HK movie company, and was fully owned by the Chinese. It filmed the first long movie in HK: "Yinchi(?)" in the year of 1924.
完全自己翻譯,無proof read但grammar一定好過人地用網譯個d ^^
2007-04-18 04:51:51 補充:
參考: i typed this for 10minutes i do suck