
2007-04-16 12:50 am
書中的主角 ---- 謝利連摩史提頓是 << 鼠民公報 >> 的編輯 , 牠的 表弟賴皮為了尋找身世之謎 , 不惜走到陰森恐怖的鼠托夫古堡 . 古堡裡的「鬼鼠」整天穿著長長的斗蓬、愛喝血紅色的飲料 , 牠們白天睡覺 , 晚上活動 , 原來 ……

回答 (2)

2007-04-16 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Protagonist in the book ---- It is editor of " mouse's communiques of the people " that Xie Li rubs the history and proposes one in succession , its cousin is shameless in order to look for the mystery of the life experience, do not hesitate to go to the gloomily terrific mouse and hold ancient fort . ' spirit mouse ' of ancient fort wear is it fluffy , is it drink blood red beverage to love to fighting long all day, they slept in the daytime , the activity in the evening, originally
2007-04-16 12:54 am
Protagonist in the book ---- Li Xie rub history withdraw editor of " communique , the people of mouse , " , its cousin is shameless in order to look for the mystery of the life experience in succession, do not hesitate to go to the gloomily terrific mouse and hold ancient fort . ' spirit mouse ' of ancient fort wear is it fluffy , is it drink blood red beverage to love to fighting long all day, they slept in the daytime , the activity in the evening, originally

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