
2007-04-16 12:21 am
把ともだち,いっばい,ふしぎ ,っうしん

回答 (6)

2007-04-16 9:37 am
Friend and and ,
2007-04-16 1:18 am
ともだち; 漢字: [友達 ] 意思係朋友, 友人.
英文 = friend, companion

いっばい, 唔識喎...會唔會係 いっぱい 「一杯」呀?
如[一杯] 就有幾個解釋
1/ 好似中文既一杯, "一杯的分量", 好似 "一杯水"; 英文 = a glass of water
2/ "飽" 英文 = Full
3/ 飲酒; 英文= a drink

ふしぎ = 不思議
英文 =strange; mysterious; miraculous; odd

っうしん ? 唔識喎...
會唔會係つうしん?如果係就 = 通信
通信 = communication; correspondence

**以上是自己的智識. 如有不對請指教**
參考: 自己
2007-04-16 12:56 am
ともだち = also
いっばい = It is, [tsu] time
ふしぎ = wonder
っうしん = [tsu] [u] grommet
2007-04-16 12:27 am
Also, it is, [tsu] time, wonder, the [tsu] [u] grommet
2007-04-16 12:26 am
Friend and and ,
2007-04-16 12:26 am
參考: me

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