
2007-04-16 12:07 am
1, 選擇劇本. 這是最重要的,一般是由制片人來選擇劇本,但是也不缺乏導演來選擇劇本的,但是導演在選擇了一部好的劇本之後就要說服公司以及制片人,來爲他投資,但是在現在的電影中導演是沒有劇本改編權利的,如果他在開拍前希望改變劇本就必須經過公司上層董事會的批准.
2, 資金. 每部電影都不能沒有雄厚的資金,象<強戰世界>這樣的電影,超過了2億美金,那麽就得找到一個很厲害的公司做電影投資.
3,選擇導演、演員. 中國電影不會有選擇導演這種說法的,在一部電影裏導演說的算,這就意味著他們不僅要對電影的質量負責還要對片場的其他方面負責,而國際電影制作中導演只需要負責好電影拍攝的任務. 在國際化的電影制作中是劇本選擇導演,而不是導演選擇劇本. 制片人在電影籌備時還要擔當起選擇演員的任務,在中國大陸這些都是由副導演來完成的.

回答 (2)

2007-04-16 12:11 am
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1, choice script This is most important, generally is chooses the script by the producer, but does not lack directs chooses the script, but directs after has chosen a good script must convince the company as well as the producer, comes him to invest, but the direct is does not have the script reorganization right in the present movie, if he in front of beginning shooting hoped the change script must pass through the company upper formation board of directors's authorization 2, fund Each movie all could not not the abundant fund, such movie, surpass 2 hundred million Dollar, that had to find a very fierce company to make the movie to invest 3, chooses the direct, the actor The Chinese movie cannot have chooses directs this view, leads the speech at a movie calculating, this meaning they not only must be responsible to the movie quality also to have to be responsible to the square other aspects, but the international movie manufactures directs only needs the duty which is responsible for the movie to photograph Manufactures in the internationalization movie is the script chooses the direct, but is not the direct chooses the script Producer when movie arrangement also must take on chooses actor's duty, all is by vice- directs in mainland China these completes 4, in a successful movie, not only must have the very good script, very good plot, good direct Most importantly has the big sign star's participation The star is a focal point which in the movie glistens, also is the movie box office safeguard 5, sets up the motion picture team, carries on the photography 6, movie film editing In US'S commercial movie, the direct is does not have the film editing right, all is carries on the film editing by the movie-making company, but if is direct, that has been different 7, distributor are obtains the release power through the competition, a movie quality also may through look the distributor displays 9, movie international release, provide the movie to dub the power, cuts arranges the power
2007-04-16 7:48 am
1, 選擇劇本. 1, choose the drama. 這是最重要的,一般是由制片人來選擇劇本,但是也不缺乏導演來選擇劇本的,但是導演在選擇了一部好的劇本之後就要說服公司以及制片人,來爲他投資,但是在現在的電影中導演是沒有劇本改編權利的,如果他在開拍前希望改變劇本就必須經過公司上層董事會的批准. This is the most important, usually chosen by producer the drama, but does not lack the director either and choose the drama, but directors will persuade the company and producer soon after choosing a good drama, come? Dr.eye: He makes the investment, but the director has no drama to adapt the right in the present film, if he hopes before starting shooting that changing the drama must pass the approval of company's upper strata Board meeting.
2, 資金. 2, fund. 每部電影都不能沒有雄厚的資金,象<強戰世界>這樣的電影,超過了2億美金,那麽就得找到一個很厲害的公司做電影投資. Each film can have rich fund, getting alike such a film, has exceeded 200 million dollars, that? Dr.eye: Must find a company terribly and do film investment.
3,選擇導演、演員. 3, choose the director, performer. 中國電影不會有選擇導演這種說法的,在一部電影裏導演說的算,這就意味著他們不僅要對電影的質量負責還要對片場的其他方面負責,而國際電影制作中導演只需要負責好電影拍攝的任務. Chinese film is it choose director the statement to have, whom director say calculate in one film, this means they not only want to be responsible for quality of the film but also responsible for other respects of the film studio, task shot that a director only needs to be responsible for the good film in and the international film is made. 在國際化的電影制作中是劇本選擇導演,而不是導演選擇劇本. Dr.eye: It is the drama in the film of the internationalization is made to choose the director, but not the director chooses the drama. 制片人在電影籌備時還要擔當起選擇演員的任務,在中國大陸這些都是由副導演來完成的. The producer will bear the responsibility the task of choosing the performer when the film is prepared, all these were finished by the vice director in China's Mainland.
4, 在一部成功的電影中,不僅要有很棒的劇本,很好的故事情節,好的導演.最重要的是有大牌明星的參與.:4, in a successful film, should not merely have very good dramas, very good story plot, good director. Dr.eye: The most important thing is to have the idol's participation. 明星是電影中閃亮的焦點,也是電影票房的保障. The star is a glittering focus in the film, and the guarantee of the film booking office too.
5, 組建攝制組,進行拍攝. 5, set up the production unit, shoot.
6, 電影剪接. 6, the film is montaged. 在美國的商業電影中,導演是沒有剪接權利的,都是由制片公司進行剪接,但是如果是一線導演的話,那就不同了. In the family movie of U.S.A., directors have not montaged the right, all montaged by the production company, but the first line director's words, different.
7, 發行商是通過競爭來取得發行權,一部電影的好壞也可以通過看發行商來表現. 7, the publisher obtains the right of issuing through competing for, the quality of a film can behave through seeing a publisher too.
9, 電影國際發行,發放電影配音權,剪編權 9, film world issues, the right that grant the film and dub, cut the right of arranging

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