我想問以下條數點計, 請指教

2007-04-15 11:21 pm
36既10次方 (36^10) 即係等如 a 乘10既 b 次方

36^10 = a x 10^b

點計 a & b??? 唔該晒

回答 (2)

2007-04-15 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
36^10 = a X 10^b
10 log 36 = log a + b log 10
15.56302501 = log a + b
let b = 15 and log a = 0.56302501
a = 3.65615846
36^10 = 3.65615846 X 10^15

2007-04-15 15:43:54 補充:
希望你起碼中四,識得用 log 。
2007-04-15 11:42 pm
= 3.656 x 10^15 (cor. to 4 sig.fig.)
Just calculate by calculator.
u can mutliply 36 for 10 times
u can get a result of 3656xxxxxxxxxxxx. (16 - digit)
參考: me

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