
2007-04-15 10:29 pm
綜合整個故事,羅密歐的性格是什樣的 ?

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2007-04-15 10:52 pm
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Romeo and Juliet by Ford Madox Brown


Romeo at Juliet's Deathbed, by Johann Heinrich Füssli
The play ends with the Prince's brief elegy or lamentation on the fate of the two lovers:

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun for sorrow will not show his head.
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punishèd;
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.


The Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets (1854) by Frederic Leighton

Romeo is the son of Lord Montague, and is in love with Lord Capulet's niece Rosaline. He is depressed because his love is not reciprocated. To get rid of his depression, his friends take him to a masquerade party by the Capulets. Since the all wear masks, the Capulets do not know that they are Montagues at first. During the party, Romeo meets Juliet, Lord Capulet's daughter. They don't know each other's family background and literally fall in love at first sight. Meanwhile, Tybalt, member of the Capulet family, discovers that Romeo and his friends are Montagues and is very angry that they are there. Lord Capulet knows this but stops the furious Tybalt from rasing hell because he doesn't want to disturb his very own party. After the party, Romeo returns to the Capulets' house and woos Juliet under her balcony (which is the world-famous balcony scene). He wins Juliet's heart and they get married the next day in the presence of Friar Laurence. At the same time, Tybalt meets and quarrels with Mercutio, a Montagues and Romeo's best friend. Romeo comes to the scene and tries to stop their quarrel. But he fails and their quarrel becomes a fight, in which Tybalt kills Mercutio and Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge. The prince, who tempers his rule with lenience, reach an agreemnet with Lord Montague and Lord Capulet, and banish Romeo from the city of Verona for his deed.

In stealth, Romeo meets Juliet and consummates their marriage. After spending a night with Juliet, he leaves for Mantua. Meanwhile, Lord Capulet intends to marry Juliet to Paris, who is rich and noble. Juliet then goes to Friar Laurence for help. The Friar tells Juliet to pretend to consent to the marriage, and gives her a potion which will make her look as if she were dead. The plan is to carry her out of the city after everybody believes she is dead. The Friar sends a message to Romeo to tell him about this plan, but the message does not reach Romeo, who believes Juliet is really dead and intends to kill himself with real poison beside Juliet's "deathbed&a mp;quot;. He kisses Juliet and drinks the poison. Before long, Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She guesses what happened and stabs herself to death. The tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet reconcile the Montagues and Capulets.

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