Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets D 人名...

2007-04-15 9:48 pm
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets D 人名點讀架?主要個幾個主角就得...
例如Ron Weasley .. Hermione Granger .. Vernon Dursley ..鄧不利多..and so on..

回答 (2)

2007-04-18 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
go to this website
It is the official website of Harry Potter book
Find the name according the its first letter. Click the word to hear the pronunciation.

for examples,
Hermione -- her-MY-oh-nee
Dumbledore -- DUM'buldoor
Draco -- DRAY-co
Bellatrix Lestrange -- BELL-a-tricks La-STRAWNGE

and so on
It has most of the difficult name's pronounciation

Hope that it can help you

2007-04-18 10:03:37 補充:
Also you can find some other words that is difficult to pronouce in the website
2007-04-16 4:29 am
因為打不到音標所以盡量. 有/ / 之內是近似國際音標.
Ron Weasley: ron 'we /sli /
Hermione: 下+mine+ /ni /
Granger: grain + manager 的ger
Vernon: verse的ver + Canon的non (用schwa音, 不是on音)

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