adverb 同 adjective

2007-04-15 9:14 pm
英文教到parts of speech ,
其中有兩part係 adverb 同 adjective

請問adverb 同 adjective 有咩分別 ?
有咩簡單方法可以教教我 ....

回答 (3)

2007-04-15 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
例如:He is happy.(happy係個adjective)

例如:He plays happily.(happily就係adverb)

通常 adverb 比 adjective 多 (ly)

例如:careful (adjective) 同 carefully (adverb)
beautiful (adjective) 同 beautifully (adverb)
slow (adjective) 同 slowly (adverb)

or - e + y
例如:gentle to gently
terrible to terribly

or change y to i + ly
例如:easy to easily
happy to happily

or 轉新字
例如:good to well

or no change
例如:fast to fast
late to late
hard to hard

P.S.:如果你將 hard 同 late +ly
自己查下字典 la ~
參考: me
2007-04-15 9:58 pm
for example: They talk too loudly in public places.

for example: making handicrafts can help train your brain to be more nimble.
religious upbringing
adj.通常係-tive, -less,-ble, -ious,-ed,-ing,ent and so on尾
2007-04-15 9:36 pm
adjective: usually describe nouns, that means adding extra information
i.e. ball: a big,red ball: big and red are adjectives

adverb: usually describe adjectives or verbs, also adding extra information
i.e. very cute: very is the adverb and cute is the adjective
i.e. run slowly: slowly is the adverb and run is the verb

adverbs are often ended in -ly, like extremely, luckily

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