
2007-04-15 9:02 pm



回答 (5)

2007-04-15 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Our this take the good food as a subject, directs the body to come out is Hong Kong is a good food all, we may pursue from Hong Kong to different national food! But our this thorough study divides into two big kinds, respectively is the breakfast, the lunch, afternoon tea, supper with midnight snack! But this thorough study on these five big kinds for everybody introduction world good food! From this the proof world good food many sounds number, does not have no time person item to give ~~
2007-04-16 5:13 pm
We use "Gourmet Cuisine" as our main theme in order to present Hong Kong as the City of Gournmet Cuisines. We can find specialty foods from different countries. To present the worlds finest food, our reseach/taste testing??( sorry I don't understand what is the meaning of those words in English, so I am guessing that is the meaning) is divided into five major catagories. They are breakfast, lunch, tea time snack, dinner, night snack. This will in turn prove we have enormous amounts of fine foods, they are eye catching.
2007-04-15 9:32 pm
Today we take fine food as theme, which leads to Hong Kong being a city of delicacies. In Hong Kong we can find food from different corners of the world! And this time our research comes into five categories, namely breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and late night snack. This research uses these five categories to introduce to you the world's delicacies! This proves the world's delicacies are countless and unlimited.
參考: 自己,不用翻譯機
2007-04-15 9:20 pm
Our this take the good food as a subject, directs the body to come out is Hong Kong is a good food all, we may pursue from Hong Kong to different national food! But our this thorough study divides into two big kinds, respectively is the breakfast, the lunch, afternoon tea, supper with midnight snack! But this thorough study on these five big kinds for everybody introduction world good food! From this the proof world good food many sounds number, does not have no time person item to give XX
2007-04-15 9:06 pm
Our this take the good food as a subject, directs the body to come out is Hong Kong is a good food all, we may pursue from Hong Kong to different national food! But our this thorough study divides into two big kinds, respectively is the breakfast, the lunch, afternoon tea, supper with midnight snack! But this thorough study on these five big kinds for everybody introduction world good food! From this the proof world good food many sounds number, does not have no time person item to give □□

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