(BOOK-KEEP)Entertainment, Meal/Accomodation in local

2007-04-15 7:24 pm
1. 正常咩可以入entertainment? 

2. Meal or Accomodation in local(迎賓/宴客)可以點入數呢?

3. lottery六合彩﹑紅酒﹑禮品包又應入什麼呢?

換一個角度看,meal in local 是不是可以算是 allowance (to staff) 呢? 咁點分咩應該入entertainment定salary and allowance?

回答 (1)

2007-04-19 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案


2. meal /local hotel accomodation -entertainment
3. all are entertainment

2007-04-19 10:09:42 補充:
換一個角度看,meal in local 是不是可以算是 allowance (to staff) 呢? 咁點分咩應該入entertainment定salary and allowance? Meal in local- if it is the annual dinner for staff/welfare , welcome lunch, they can be "Staff welfare". The other meal related to the business is entertainment.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:03:11
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