
2007-04-15 6:52 pm

回答 (7)

2007-04-15 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I don't put him in the eye.

2.Originally he just is a backstage black hand.
2007-04-15 7:24 pm
1. I do not put him on intraocularly
2. Originally he is secretly the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator
參考: yahoo
2007-04-15 7:22 pm
1.I do not set him free in the eyes.
2.He was an evil backstage manipulator behind the scenes originally.
2007-04-15 7:04 pm
1. I do not put him on intraocularly.=我不放他在眼內
2) Originally he is secretly the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. =原來他才是幕後黑手
2007-04-15 7:02 pm
1. I don't rate him.

2. He's the one pulling the strings behind the scene.
2007-04-15 7:01 pm
He is in the eyes that I
He was the evil backstage manipulator behind the scenes originally do not put

2007-04-15 11:03:53 補充:
correct:He is in the eyes that I do not put He was the evil backstage manipulator behind the scenes originally.
2007-04-15 6:58 pm
1) I do not put him on intraocularly.
2) Originally he is secretly the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator.

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