
2007-04-15 8:57 am
(我要係日常對話果隻) 唔該曬 ~~ 拜託啦~~

(1) 先生/小姐 幾多位呀
(2) 你想要咩餐呀
(3) 你想''叫''d咩
(4) 仲有冇咩需要呀
(5) 你洗唔洗叫d野飲呀
(6) 結帳?
(7) 呢樣係炸/蒸
(8) 打邊爐嗎
(9) 好(除左ok 仲有)

回答 (5)

2007-04-15 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 先生/小姐 幾多位呀
ans: Can I help you, Sir?
(2) 你想要咩餐呀
ans: May I take your order now? or What would you like for your main course?
(3) 你想''叫''d咩
ans: What would you like?
(4) 仲有冇咩需要呀
ans: What else would you like? or Anything else?
(5) 你洗唔洗叫d野飲呀
ans: Anything to drink?
(6) 結帳?
ans: Check? or Pay the bill?
(7) 呢樣係炸/蒸
ans: This is deep-fry / steam
(8) 打邊爐嗎
ans: Would you like to try Hot Pot?
(9) 好(除左ok 仲有)
ans: Yes, of course.

Here are another conversation suit for you:
waiter: Do you have a reservation?
服務生: 您有訂位嗎?
waiter: Ah, here we are. This way, please.
服務生: 啊,有位子了。這邊請。
waiter: I'll get that for you in just a minute.
服務生: 我馬上就為您送來
waiter: Altogether... twenty-five thirty.
服務生: 一共二十五元三角
waiter: Here's your change.
服務生: 找您的錢
waiter: Thank you and come again.
服務生: 歡迎再來
參考: www.liveabc.com
2007-04-15 5:49 pm
(1) gentleman/young lady more than several (2) you want baa meal (3) you think ' ' Calls ' ' D baa (4) still has 冇 baa needs (5) do you wash call d wildly to drink (6) pay up? (7) the type is explodes/steams (8) hits 邊爐 (9) is good (eliminates left ok to still have)------------------------
2007-04-15 9:12 am
(1) sir/madams : how many persons you have?
(2) What course would you like to have?
(3) Would you like to order?
(4) What else do you want? (or, anything else you want?)
(5) Mind to drink? (or, the most common way is "what would you like to drink?")
(6) Would you like to check the bill, please?
(7) Is this made by deep-fried or steam?
(8) Would you prefer hot-pot?
(9) excellent / that's great

2007-04-15 01:14:31 補充:
7) 呢樣係炸/蒸 : correction It is served with deep-fried/steam.
2007-04-15 9:08 am
1.Mr./Miss How many person do you have?
2.What meal did you want?
3.What did you want?
5.Did you want some drinks?
6.Did you want to pay up?
7.This one is fire or steam?
8.Did you want hot pop?
2007-04-15 9:05 am
(1) 先生/小姐 幾多位呀
Sir/Madam, how many people?

(2) 你想要咩餐呀
Which course would you like?

(3) 你想''叫''d咩
May I take your order?

(4) 仲有冇咩需要呀
Would you need anything else?

(5) 你洗唔洗叫d野飲呀
Would you like anything to drink?

(6) 結帳?
Would you like to check the bill?

(7) 呢樣係炸/蒸
This food is served with deep frying / streaming

(8) 打邊爐嗎
Want to try Hot Pot?

(9) 好(除左ok 仲有)
Good, excellent, great, bravo, brillent, sounds good, yes.
參考: me

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