
2007-04-15 8:47 am



回答 (2)

2007-04-15 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
You yourself know that the most important point in your question is cycling. In Hong Kong, it is not easy to have cycling in urban area. It is also not easy to find places for cycling, except 大尾篤 (about $50 for the whole day, you need to bargain with them), 大埔, 大圍, 馬鞍山 and 長洲 (星期六租全日都係$40 - $50! 冇單車徑).

If you want to have bbq together, you have only 2 choices, 大尾篤 and 長洲. Of course, if you live in Kowloon, it is better to go to 大尾篤. You may many choices of bbq and cycling.

1) BBQ in 大尾篤, you may choose 大尾篤燒烤王 http://www.taimeitukbbqking.com/

營業時間:星期一至四  ( 早上八時至晚上八時 )
星期五、日 ( 早上八時至晚上九時 )
星期六及公眾假期前夕 ( 早上八時至晚上十時 )
海景燒烤場地址: 大埔汀角路地段17 ( 汀角村斜對面 )
營業時間: 早上九時至零晨二時(免費泊車)
公共交通: 75k 巴士或 20c ( 專線小巴 )
電話: 29482325 / 98830185
It takes about 20 - 25 minutes by mini bus from KCR 大埔 Station to 大尾篤. Average spending per head for bbq is about $80.

There are some BBQ sites with supply of all BBQ foods and materials in 大尾篤, but it is not available in the internet search.

2) For other places, like 長洲 and 馬鞍山, you have to prepare everything by yourself if you want to bbq in these 2 places.


From KT, you can take MTR to MTR Kowloon Tong station, and then change KRC at KCR Kowloon Tong station. It then takes about 20 minutes by KCR to 大埔墟 station. Ticket fare is $7.3.

From 大埔墟 station to 大尾篤, if you take mini bus 專線小巴 20C, it is $6, 20 - 25 minutes is needed. If you take bus, it is $4.7 and 32 minutes is needed.


If you go from Cheung Sha Wan by MTR, it is the same.
2007-04-15 9:05 am

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