conjugate acid-base pair

2007-04-15 8:42 am
甚麼叫conjugate acid-base pair??
點樣分辦 呢個conjugate base是這個acid, 這個conjugate acid 是這個base??

conjugate acid-base pair中文又是甚麼?

回答 (1)

2007-04-15 9:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Conjugate acid-base pair 的中文名稱是『共軛酸鹼對』。

所應用的酸鹼概念是 Bronsted-Lowry Theory of Acids and Bases。 Conjugate acid-base pair 之間只相質一個 proton (H+),放出 proton 的是 acid;吸收 proton 的是 base。

Examples :
(1) CH3COOH = CH3COO- + H+
CH3COOH is the conjugate acid of CH3COO-.
CH3COO- is the conjugate base of CH3COOH.

(2) H2O + H+ = H3O+
H2O is the conjugate base of H3O+.
H3O+ is the conjugate acid of H2O.

(3) H2O = OH- + H+
H2­O is the conjugate acid of OH-.
OH- is the conjugate base of H2O.

(4) NH3 + HCl = NH+Cl‑
NH3 is the conjugate base of NH3+.
NH4+ is the conjugate acid of NH3.
HCl is the conjugate acid of Cl-.
Cl- is the conjugate base of HCl.

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