每個人都有負面的思想。我們除了學習EQ, 在面對問題時加以控制自己的思想, 我們還可以做些什麼呢?
我認為, EQ的培養是好事, 但太過份的培養, 可能影響人們對是非的辨別。更有可以令人患上抑鬱/Depression。
Clinical depression
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder, or sometimes unipolar when compared with bipolar disorder, which is sometimes called manic depression) is a state of intense sadness, melancholia or despair that has advanced to the point of being disruptive to an individual's social functioning and/or activities of daily living. Although a low mood or state of dejection that does not affect functioning is often colloquially referred to as depression, clinical depression is a clinical diagnosis and may be different from the everyday meaning of "being depressed." Many people identify the feeling of being depressed as "feeling sad for no reason", or "having no motivation to do anything." One suffering from depression may feel tired, sad, irritable, lazy, unmotivated, and apathetic. Clinical depression is generally acknowledged to be more serious than normal depressed feelings. It often leads to constant negative thinking and sometimes substance abuse.
以上是比較專業的介定, 什麼是抑鬱呢? 用中文講, 就是一個人在日常生活中得不到認同, 個人社會角色不清晰, 而引至情緒低落。
我在百科全書看到很多有關的治療, 也相信它們有一定的效能。可是現代人生活忙碌, 那有時間找人治療呢?
我認為最簡單的方法, 是食補充營養的食物。
1. Vitamin B-12(維他命B12)
( Symptoms of a vitamin B-12 deficiency can include depression and other psychiatric disorders.)
2. Omega-3 fatty acids (多數魚油丸都有 Omega-3)
(found naturally in oily fish, flax seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, and canola oil) have also been found to be effective when used as a dietary supplement (although only fish-based omega-3 fatty acids have shown antidepressant efficacy.[36])
It is widely believed that physical activity and exercise help depressed patients and promote quicker and better relief from depression. They are also thought to help antidepressants and psychotherapy work better and faster. It can be difficult to find the motivation to exercise if the depression is severe, but sufferers should be encouraged to take part in some form of regularly scheduled physical activity. A workout need not be strenuous; many find walking, for example, to be of great help. Exercise produces higher levels of chemicals in the brain, notably dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. In general this leads to improvements in mood, which is effective in countering depression)