{家政堂食譜} 好急!!! 10分10分 快D入黎幫我喇``

2007-04-15 1:52 am
今次死喇``` ><
有咩簡單易煮ge野..可以介紹 {{ 最好有埋食譜 `` 因為要交埋你果張參考食譜`` 當然英文就係最好喇`` 禁樣我就唔洗譯過晒...}}

p.s 要係 chinese main dish

唔可以煮 炒烏冬 ` 煎雞翼 ` 煎X三寶
{{{{ 因為已經煮過 }}}}}}

回答 (2)

2007-04-15 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
賽 螃 蟹 柳

材 料 : 1 隻蛋黃
6 隻蛋白
6 粒蘑菇
1 湯匙青豆
4 條日本蟹柳
2 湯匙鎮江醋

調味料 : 1/2 茶匙鹽
2 湯匙水
1 湯匙生粉

做 法 : (1) 蛋白與調味料輕輕拌勻。
(2) 蟹柳切一吋長段後撕碎,蘑菇切片,連同青
(3) 燒六湯匙油,倒入蛋白等材料,輕輕反覆炒
(4) 中央加蛋黃,食時與鎮江醋拌勻。

備 註 : (1) 蛋白要炒成蟹肉一樣,火候及油份要掌握得

Scrambled Egg White w/Japanese Crab Meat

Ingredients : 1 Egg yolk
6 Egg white
6 Button mushroom
1 tbsp green pea
4 Japanese crab meat
2 tbsp brown vinegar

Seasonings : 1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp cornflour
A dash of seasame oil & a pinch of pepper

Method : (1) Lightly beat egg white with seasonings.
(2) Tear crab meat into shreds & cut into 2.5cm long;
slice button mushroom, add all ingredients to egg
white & mix well.
(3) Heat 6 tbsp oil, pour in egg white mixture and fry
lightly until set & resembles chunks of crab meat.
Remove to a plate.
(4) Add the egg yolk to the centre of the scrambled
egg white & serve with brown vinegar.

Remark : (1) Fry egg white over low heat to set so as to resemble
crab meat.

2007-04-15 2:04 am
你o係呢條 link search 啦, 有食譜, 由簡單到難都有 (不過得中文,好過無).
蒸炒煮炸 mug 都有,任君選擇


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