windows 有幾多種?(一定舉例)

2007-04-15 12:22 am
windows 有幾多種?

回答 (7)

2007-04-15 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案

windows 98

windows 2000

windows xp

2007-07-25 6:25 am
2007-04-15 5:34 pm
Microsoft Windows 共有26種。

1. Windows 3.1
2. Windows 95
3. Windows 98
4. Windows ME
5. Windows NT
6. Windows 2000
7. Windows 2000 Server
8. Windows Server 2003
9. Windows XP Home Edition
10. Windows XP Professional
11. Windows Vista

1. Windows CE
2. Windows Moible
3. Windows PE
4. Windows XP OEM
5. Windows NT Workstation
6. Windows NT Server
7. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005

末來的Windows,共8種 ( 有些可能在Internet上還沒有資料 ):
1. Windows Server Longhorn 或 Windows Server 2007
2. Windows Fiji 或 Vista R2
3. Windows Server Centro
4. Windows Server Longhorn
5. Windows Server Cougar
6. Windows Vienna
7. Windows Small Business Server "Cougar"

2007-04-15 09:39:12 補充:
對不起,漏了一個 Windows Embedded,是冷門的,共 27 種 Microsoft Windows 才對還有,最後一行有編碼問題,正確資料是這樣的:7. Windows Small Business Server " Cougar "

2007-04-15 09:42:10 補充:
順帶一題, Windows Embedded 包括以下Windows:1. Windows Embedded CE2. Windows XP Embedded SP2 Feature Pack 2007嚴格來說是28種 ...... 真是很多!

2007-04-15 09:48:27 補充:
救命!又漏了!1. Windows FLP2. Windows 3.230種了 ......
2007-04-15 12:43 am
windows 3.1
windows 95
windows 96
windows 97
windows 98
windows xp
windows 2000
windows me
windows vista
Windows API
Windows Server 2003
2007-04-15 12:43 am
看這個: (有中文版的)


History of Microsoft Windows v • d • e[hide]
MS-DOS/9x–based: 1.0 • 2.0 • 3.0 • 3.1x • 95 • 98 • Me
NT-based: NT 3.1 • NT 3.5 • NT 3.51 • NT 4.0 • 2000 • XP • Server 2003 • FLP • Vista
CE-based: CE 1.0 • CE 2.0 • CE 3.0 • CE 4.0 • CE 5.0 • CE 6.0 • Mobile
Forthcoming: Server Longhorn • Home Server • Vienna
Other projects: Neptune • Nashville • Cairo • OS/2

聽講話:Home Server就快出啦。^__^

又,Windows API 只是寫 Windows Programs 時可以用的 function。API 是 Application Program Interface,並不是一個 Windows 的版本。


2007-04-14 16:45:41 補充:
補充:Windows FLP街外無得賣,係大公司先有機會可以買,係畀一些好舊好舊,但又要行Windows XP的機用。其實可以當成是一部dumb terminal,因為要跟埋個server先行到。呢個PC Weekly賣過,我在學校還留有一個copy。又,生產商又有另一個Windows PE的特別版本,也是街外無得賣的。

2007-04-14 16:48:34 補充:
再補充:其實在Windows 3.1之後,Microsoft在大陸還出過簡體中文Windows 3.2的。不過,在西方社會很少人知道。所以,夾夾埋埋已經超過30個不同的版本。這還未計以前NT4的年代,除了有Intel版本之外,還有Alpha/PowerPC/MIPS等不同CPU的版本。更未計SP1/SP2/R2等各個微細版本。計埋的話,過百都似。

2007-04-15 16:35:23 補充:
沒有Windows 96, Windows 97的。Win96只是Win95 SP1,Win97是Win95SP2。
2007-04-15 12:37 am
windows 3.1
windows 95
windows 98
windows xp
windows 2000
windows me
windows vista
Windows API
Windows Server 2003
2007-04-15 12:32 am
Key Windows Sites

Windows Vista makes it easier, safer and more entertaining to use your PC virtually anytime and anywhere.
Windows Vista home page
Windows Vista Mobility home page
Windows Media Center home page

Internet Explorer 7 is a major step forward in ease of use and security. Upgrade with confidence—check out Internet Explorer 7 and install it today.
Windows Internet Explorer home page

Windows Media Player 11 offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV.
Windows Media home page

Windows Server 2003 is the most productive infrastructure platform for powering connected applications, networks, and Web services from the workgroup to the data center.
Windows Server 2003 home page

Windows XP gives you the freedom to do what you want at home and at work–simply, reliably, and more securely.
Windows XP home page

Windows Live is a new set of services that brings your online world together. Finally, the information you need, the people you care about, and powerful protection—all at your fingertips.
Windows Live home page

Windows Mobile powered handheld devices enable you to send and receive e-mail, browse the Internet, and work on mobile versions of Microsoft Office software.
Windows Mobile home page

The Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack for Software Assurance extends the value of Windows Vista Enterprise by reducing application deployment costs, enabling delivery of applications as services, and allowing for better enterprise desktop management.
Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack for Software Assurance home page

Related Windows Sites

The power of multimedia in Windows, DirectX gives you the best possible experience with graphics, sound, music, and 3-D animation.
DirectX home page

The Shared Computer Toolkit helps make it easy to set up, safeguard, and manage reliable shared computers running Genuine Windows XP.
Shared Computer Toolkit home page

Windows Defender is a free program that helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software.
Windows Defender home page

Windows Embedded delivers tools and technology to help you build reliable, powerful, and intelligent embedded devices for your customers.
Windows Embedded home page

The Games for Windows platform offers publishers and gamers the most enjoyable and innovative gaming experiences available on a PC.
Games for Windows home page

Virtual PC 2007 allows you to maintain the compatibility of legacy and custom applications during migration to new operating systems and increases the efficiency of support, development, and training staffs.
Virtual PC home page

Windows Desktop Search enables information workers to quickly find and retrieve e-mail, documents, and files on a PC and corporate network.
Windows Desktop Search home page

Windows Marketplace is your one-stop shop for software and hardware that work with Windows. Find thousands of popular software titles available to download now.
Windows Marketplace home page
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