
2007-04-15 12:04 am

1. 把魚蛋出水洗淨,瀝乾水份.
2. 蒜頭去衣拍爛,用深鍋爆香蒜頭及印尼咖哩粉再下1升水, 水滾下檸檬葉,糖2茶匙 鹽2茶匙、老抽2湯匙、生抽2湯匙、蠔油2湯匙、麻油一湯匙、半茶匙冠益咖哩醬.
3. 湯再滾起放下魚蛋,慢火煮至魚蛋膨漲後熄火密蓋(小心滾瀉),浸約2小時至魚蛋入味

回答 (3)

2007-04-15 2:11 am
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Egg waffle is one of Hong Kong local popular snacks. In Taiwan, it is called egg cup cake. Mix eggs, sugar, flour and evaporated milk together. Pour the mixture into the pockets of two metal moulding pads. Bake on open fire.
The history of how the egg waffles became Hong Kong snack is not clear. It may to do with lots of broken eggs in the grocery shops in the old days. It would be a waste to throw them out. So, people added in flour, butter and other ingredients to form a thick liquid and baked in moulds. The moulds were later made into egg shapes to improve the appearance of the waffer. It was then become very popular.

1. 把魚蛋出水洗淨,瀝乾水份.
2. 蒜頭去衣拍爛,用深鍋爆香蒜頭及印尼咖哩粉再下1升水, 水滾下檸檬葉,糖2茶匙 鹽2茶匙、老抽2湯匙、生抽2湯匙、蠔油2湯匙、麻油一湯匙、半茶匙冠益咖哩醬.
3. 湯再滾起放下魚蛋,慢火煮至魚蛋膨漲後熄火密蓋(小心滾瀉),浸約2小時至魚蛋入味

1. Wash and dry the fish balls.
2. Remove the skin of garlic. Mash the garlic.
Use a deep frying pan to fry the mashed garlic and Indoesian curry powder. Add in a litre of water.
When water starts to boil, add :
lemon leaves
sugar 2 teaspoons
salt 2 teaspoons
dark soya sauce 2 tablespoons
light soya sauce 2 tablespoons
oyster sauce 2 tablesppoons
sesame oil 1 1/2 tablespoons
Koon Yick's curry sauce 1/2 teaspoon
3. Once the soup starts to boil, add fish balls. Leave to simmer in low heat until fish balls expand. Turn the heat off, keep the lid on and let it stands for 2 hours till fish balls absorb the favour.
2007-04-15 12:13 am
The egg young is one of Hong Kong typical street corner snacks, Taiwan calls the chicken the cake. By the egg, the hard sugar, the bread flour, so on create the juice, pours specially makes the honey-comb shape made of iron pattern plate in two among, puts roasts on the fire. Pours the egg young assumes golden yellow, has the cake the fragrance, in addition among is the midair, nips when the feeling in the mouth is special. The egg young should for the Hong Kong-style street nearby the snack, originate not greatly clearly, only the knowledge seemed before some people to open the assorted store, every day promising number many eggs burst, tattered, but did not want to waste abandons, thereupon joined the bread flour butter and so on material on the attempt to make into the pulpous state to pass through but actually the mold to dry again fried becomes, afterwards in order to be artistic then designs the mold Cheng Hsiaohsiao the egg shape, but unexpectedly is unexpectedly greatly welcome.
1. the fish egg water leakage cleaning, drainings the dry moisture
2. garlic go to the clothes to pat rottenly, explodes the fragrant garlic and the Indonesian curry powder next 1 premium with the pot, the water rolls down again the lemon leaf, the sugar 2 teaspoon of salts 2 teaspoons, always pulls out 2 soupspoon, lives pulls out 2 soupspoon, oyster oil 2 soupspoon, a sesame oil soupspoon, half teaspoon of crown profits curry sauce
3. soup roll again lay down the fish egg, slow fire to boil after the fish egg expansion the flameout dense lid (carefully rolls flows swiftly), soaks approximately for 2 hours to the fish egg to make it tasty
參考: In the internet
2007-04-15 12:12 am
The egg young is one of Hong Kong typical street corner snacks, Taiwancalls the chicken the cake. By the egg, the hard sugar, the breadflour, 淡奶 and so on create the juice, pours specially makes thehoney-comb shape made of iron pattern plate in two among, puts roastson the fire. Pours the egg young assumes golden yellow, has the cakethe fragrance, in addition among is the midair, nips when the feelingin the mouth is special. The egg young should for the Hong Kong-stylestreet nearby the snack, originate not greatly clearly, only theknowledge seemed before some people to open the assorted store, everyday promising number many eggs burst, tattered, but did not want towaste abandons, thereupon joined the bread flour butter and so onmaterial on the attempt to make into the pulpous state to pass throughbut actually the mold to dry again 焗 becomes, afterwards in order tobe artistic then designs the mold Cheng Hsiaohsiao the egg shape, butunexpectedly is unexpectedly greatly welcome. 1. the fish egg water leakage cleaning, drainings the dry moisture 2. garlic go to the clothes to pat rottenly, explodes the fragrantgarlic and the Indonesian 咖 powder next 1 premium with the pot, thewater rolls down again the lemon leaf, the sugar 2 teaspoon of salts 2teaspoons, always pulls out 2 soupspoon, lives pulls out 2 soupspoon,蠔 the oil 2 soupspoon, a sesame oil soupspoon, half teaspoon ofcrown profits 咖 sauce 3. soup roll again lay down the fish egg, 慢火 boils after the fishegg expansion the flameout dense lid (carefully rolls flows swiftly),soaks approximately for 2 hours to the fish egg 入味
參考: Yahoo!China

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