
2007-04-14 11:52 pm
1.What part of speech is suicide?

2.Explain some of the different uses of the verb support.

3.What is the difference between totally and in total?

4.Explain the meaning of transport.

5.What is the difference between up-uo-date and updated?

6.It is worth______. What sorts of words can fill in the blank?

回答 (3)

2007-04-15 2:00 am
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1.What part of speech is suicide?
suicide -- noun
- the intentional taking of one's own life.
- destruction of one's own interests or prospects
- a person who intentionally takes his or her own life.

when it is used as a VERB:
- to commit suicide (make sure that you don't have an object following 'suicide')
- to kill (oneself). (with object)

2.Explain some of the different uses of the verb support.
the verb can assign the Noun as a Subject (Agent) or as an Object (theme).

3.What is the difference between totally and in total?
'totally' used as an ADVERB, which means wholly; entirely; completely.
'in total' is used mainly as a Slang/ a preposition phrase, which mainly means to add up, to sum up.. etc

4.Explain the meaning of transport.
–verb (used with object)
1. to carry, move, or convey from one place to another.
2. to carry away by strong emotion; enrapture.
3. to send into banishment, esp. to a penal colony.
1. the act of transporting or conveying; conveyance.
2. a means of transporting or conveying, as a truck or bus.
3. a ship or plane employed for transporting soldiers, military stores, etc.
4. an airplane carrying freight or passengers as part of a transportation system.
5. a system of public travel.
6. strong emotion; ecstatic joy, bliss, etc.

5.What is the difference between up-uo-date and updated?
update is an ADJECTIVE, which means--
1. (of persons, buildings, etc.) keeping up with the times, as in outlook, information, ideas, appearance, or style.
2. in accordance with the latest or newest ideas, standards, techniques, styles, etc.; modern.
3. extending to the present time; current; including the latest information or facts: an up-to-date report.

updated can either be a NOUN/ VERB
1. to bring (a book, figures, or the like) up to date, as by adding new information or making corrections: to update a science textbook.
2. Computers. to incorporate new or more accurate information in (a database, program, procedure, etc.).
3. to bring (a person, organization, etc.) up to date on a particular subject: The magazine article will update you on the international situation.
1. an act or instance of updating: to make an update in a financial ledger.
2. information or data used in updating.
3. an updated version, model, or the like.

6.It is worth______. What sorts of words can fill in the blank?
e.g. It is worth BUYING.
2007-04-15 12:30 am


suicide 係名詞,冇動詞,要講一個人自殺,一係話佢commit suicide,一係話佢kill himself

功課o既疑難可以問,但係成埋咁搵人幫手做/作篇中文叫人譯/叫人代做作文/book report,唔係問題,仲有違yahoo知識o既精神。
2007-04-15 12:01 am
1.suicide: noun/verb
3. totally(adv of total)
4.act of transporting, conveyance; means of transporting (truck, sip, etc.)
eg: reading

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