
2007-04-14 11:26 pm


回答 (7)

2007-04-15 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. i'm sorry, it's my fault of saying the wrong thing (對唔住, 講左呢d野係我唔岩)


sorry, i shouldn't have said that ( 對唔住, 我唔應該咁講)

or even

sorry, i didn't mean that ( 對唔住, 我唔係咁既意思丫)

2. trust, i wasn't fooling u around (信我, 我冇當你傻瓜咁玩)


trust me, i didnt try to play things at u (信我, 我冇去嘗試玩野)

or even

trust me, i am not practing about (信我啦, 我唔係玩野呀 [比較粗口但比較平民化])

hope this can help u
參考: 自己(點解講"常識"會比人話我鬧人冇常識?!= . =)
2007-04-15 3:45 pm
1. sorry ,I say something wrong.
2.Trust me,I didn't play tricks on you.
2007-04-15 6:26 am
1. Sorry, I've said something wrong to you. Forgive me, please!
2. I really haven't play tricks on you. Trust me, please!
2007-04-15 5:13 am
1.I am just playing trick with you,that's my wrong,soory.
2.Believe me that I am not just making a jok with you.

Hope you can use it.^.^''
參考: myself
2007-04-15 12:35 am
1. I'm sorry, I SAID something wrong. (要道歉,梗係已經講錯左野架啦)

2. Trust me, I'm not fooling you.
2007-04-14 11:54 pm
第一句:Sorry,Tie me explain it by mistake.

第二句:As soon as I tie and have and play urgent yours really,I
believe I.
2007-04-14 11:30 pm
第一句:Sorry, is I says wrong wild.
第二句:My real department not plays tightens you, believes me.
參考: me

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