FAT32 同 NTFS 有咩唔同??

2007-04-14 2:59 pm
我想問下 fat32 同ntfs 兩種格式有咩唔同???
邊種好d ??? 應該用邊種??? 佢地有咩特色??

回答 (2)

2007-04-14 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
NTFS 和 FAT32 都是目前比較流行的磁片分區格式,由FAT到FAT16----FAT32---NTFS,NTFS功能強一些。
1. NTFS 支援檔加密和分別管理功能(也就是著名的EFS加密格式),可為用戶提供更高層次的安全保證。
2. NTFS 具有更好的磁片壓縮性能,可進一步滿足小硬碟用戶的需要(讀取會慢一些)。
3. NTFS 最大支持高達 2TB (1TB=1024GB)的大硬碟,而且它的性能不會隨著磁片容量的增大而降低。
由此可見,NTFS 格式具有許多獨特的優點
不過,呵呵,它也有一個缺點,那就是該磁片檔格式不能被除它自己之外的其他作業系統所識別(NT 4.0也不例外),這就對資料交流造成了一定的影響,也就不支援DOS作業系統了,不過還是值得支持。

所以呀....只使用 Windows 2000 的用戶應首選使用 NTFS 格式,要是同時使用 Windows 2000 和其他作業系統,則應謹慎從事。最好將磁片劃分為多個不同的磁片分區,將 Windows 2000 安裝到其中的一個磁片分區並選擇使用 NTFS 格式;將其他作業系統安裝到另外的磁片分區中並使用 FAT 或 FAT32 格式。

NTFS檔系統是一個基於安全性的檔系統,是Windows NT所採用的獨特的檔系統結構,它是建立在保護檔和目錄資料基礎上,同時照顧節省存儲資源、減少磁片占用量的一種先進的檔系統。使用非常廣泛的 Windows NT 4.0採用的就是NTFS 4.0檔系統(下面講的是5.0,不好意思,哈哈),相信它所帶來的強大的系統安全性一定給廣大用戶留下了深刻的印象。Win 2000採用了更新版本的NTFS檔系統NTFS 5.0,它的推出使得用戶不但可以像Win 9X那樣方便快捷地操作和管理電腦,同時也可享受到NTFS所帶來的系統安全性。
2007-04-14 3:14 pm

In order to overcome the volume size limit of FAT16, while still allowing DOS real-mode code to handle the format without unnecessarily reducing the available conventional memory, Microsoft decided to implement a newer generation of FAT, known as FAT32, with cluster counts held in a 32-bit field, of which 28 bits are currently used.

In theory, this should support a total of approximately 268,435,456 (228) clusters, allowing for drive sizes in the range of 8 tebibytes with 32K clusters. On Windows 95/98, due to the version of Microsoft's ScanDisk utility included with these operating systems being a 16-bit application, the FAT structure is not allowed to grow beyond 4,177,920 (< 222) clusters, placing the volume limit at 127.53 gigabytes. A limitation in original versions of Windows 98/98SE's Fdisk causes it to incorrectly report disk sizes over 64GB. A corrected version is available from Microsoft. These limitations do not apply to Windows 2000/XP except during Setup, in which there is a 32GB limit. Windows ME support FAT32 file system without any limits.

FAT32 was introduced with Windows 95 OSR2, although reformatting was needed to use it, and DriveSpace 3 (the version that came with Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98) never supported it. Windows 98 introduced a utility to convert existing hard disks from FAT16 to FAT32 without loss of data. In the NT line, native support for FAT32 arrived in Windows 2000. Windows NT 4 supported FAT32 with free driver by Winternals company, later acquired by Microsoft.

Windows 2000 and Windows XP can read and write to FAT32 filesystems of any size, but the format program on these platforms can only create FAT32 filesystems up to 32 GiB. Third party utilities are available which can format larger FAT32 filesystems. Thompson and Thompson (2003) write that "Bizarrely, Microsoft states that this behavior is by design." A Microsoft knowledge base article indeed confirms the limitation and the "by design" statement, but gives no rationale or explanation. However, a Microsoft TechNet article states that the 32 GiB limit was an arbitrary limit imposed because many tasks on a very large FAT32 filesystem become slow and inefficient. Peter Norton's opinion is that "Microsoft has intentionally crippled the FAT32 file system."

The maximum possible size for a file on a FAT32 volume is 4 GiB minus 1 Byte (232?1 bytes). For most users, this has become the most nagging limit of FAT32 as of 2007, since video capture and editing applications and some other software can easily exceed this limit. Most new Windows machines now ship with NTFS and thus avoid these problems, but those who run dual boot systems or who move external data drives between computers with different operating systems have little choice but to stick with FAT32, or to install the FUSE library (on Linux) together with the NTFS-3G application. (although between Windows and Linux it is possible to use ext2 or ext3 through the use of external drivers such as ext2 IFS).


NTFS or New Technology File System[2] is the standard file system of Windows NT and its descendants Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista.

NTFS replaced Microsoft's previous FAT file system, used in MS-DOS and early versions of Windows. NTFS has several improvements over FAT such as improved support for metadata and the use of advanced data structures to improve performance, reliability, and disk space utilization plus additional extensions such as security access control lists and file system journaling. The exact specification is a trade secret, although (since NTFS v3.00) it can be licensed commercially from Microsoft through their Intellectual Property Licensing program.

NTFS v3.1 found in Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista.

Features of NTFS can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS

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