urgent 去美國不可以鎖行李, 以便美國海關檢查.

2007-04-14 10:51 am
去美國不可以鎖行李, 以便美國海關檢查. 真的嗎?
I will go on this Sunday. Urgent ,please help.

回答 (4)

2007-04-14 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實無話唔可以鎖架, 只不過係當海關檢查既時候, 如果你件行李係鎖左既話, 佢會剪開你個鎖先可以檢查得到之嘛..... 不過, 當海關人員檢查完你件行李之後呢, 佢地會用有"CUSTOMS"呢個字既膠紙, 圍住你個 o急貼一個圈, 等你既物件唔會跌出黎.... 最好就將貴重既野就最好放入手提行李啦....
參考: 機場職員
2007-04-14 5:50 pm
特定的行李鎖,寫明是TSA accepted的,可在大百貨公司買到。
參考: 經驗
2007-04-14 1:08 pm
只係random checked。


我啱啱去完New York,我件行李係用獨立鎖,地勤話無問題,因為只要爆爛個鎖就得。但我朋友唔係用獨立鎖,地勤提醒佢有可能整爛個喼,叫佢唔好鎖,我朋友驚入面啲嘢跌出嚟就唔肯。結果我地兩個喼都唔駛檢查。

Ckeck in時地勤只是「提醒」你,你可以選擇博吓海關唔檢查你個喼。

參考: 我啱啱去完New York番香港
2007-04-14 11:19 am
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) have the right to do manual inspections of your luggage. If your bag is locked, they have the right to cut the lock off.

But they had partnership with several companies to develope locks that are acceptable to them. They called them "TSA Accepted Lock" they are available at the US airports and US travel store (I am sure some HK store carries them too, but you will have to locate them) or simply go to the below website.


Good Luck on your trip

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