
2007-04-14 8:14 am
反面我係k 房問攬唔攬得佢,仲要第一次俾人拒絕,我好尷尬lo
夜間去海磅都,.我著得少衫,好凍lo,佢問過我夠唔夠衫...佢既conclusion 係不如唔好行
最後係行左,不過吹左好耐lo! 手又冇拖過....咩都冇做過,今日成程同佢齋傾計lo,好無奈

回答 (5)

2007-04-14 10:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think he likes u ar. He ask u already and u said ok.

But this guy is kind of shy. That's both good and bad. He's shy , so probably he's not a guy who party and drink all the time. But if he's too shy, it may become hard for u two communicate and be happy?

Probably this is his first time too, so he's not very experience with girls in love, so he don't really know what to do, and he's nervous. But sure, he likes u and u will give him more chance right?

I think when u two go out together, instead of focus on romance now, try to focus on happiness together. Go out have a good dinner, do something for fun, so both of u happy and laugh together. Try ocean park. Laugh at games, take lots of picture, inside the "tram" in the air, pretend u scare and put your head on his shoulder, I think he will automatically wrap his arm around u! That should help break the ice. Both u and him become less nervous and open. Then he will start holding your hands la.......

If he don't, then well ...........i don't know.......
參考: myself
2007-04-14 9:50 am
1)我覺得佢可能因為同你一樣第一次拍拖,所以好緊張,同埋覺魏你仲未比一個真真正正+好sure既答案佢,所以佢都唔係好夠膽做d open d既行動啦
2)佢可能比其他boys怕醜d ja,我覺得唔洗話覺得佢好似唔係咁鐘意你or唔想同你一齊咁既,等你真真正正比左一個佢想要既好sure既答案啦,我相信佢就唔會咁架喇,你應該比個機會佢!
hope i can help you!!
2007-04-14 8:28 am
其實拍拖的野,唔洗咁心急, 個男仔都算有良心的啦, 起碼佢肯去俾大家去互相觀察下, 所以唔好話佢保守; 如果佢一開始講完話鍾意你,就同你開始, 女仔會有好大機會蝕底俾人!

一定會有好的出現, 最緊要係俾多d時間大家去了解同認識,互相觀察, 咁就會揀到好男人
2007-04-14 8:25 am
咁其實妳應該坦白一點, 同佢講妳的感受....

如果妳覺得佢同妳根本係兩個世界的人, 咁就唔好開始啦....
到時妳地兩個分隔異地, 咪始終要分開....

有時, 男女之間未必要開始拍拖先至係最好....
可能, 佢要留返一點遺憾, 佢將來先至會懂得去珍惜...
無論, 到時果個, 係唔係妳...

而妳, 我覺得妳只係欣賞佢, 但大家唔同 channel, 妳會越來越覺得佢唔掂...
咁倒不如, 俾妳留下一點憧憬, 當係留下一點美好回憶, 咁仲好.....
2007-04-14 8:20 am
不如你俾你msn我 我同你傾

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