
2007-04-14 8:10 am


or may be 叫佢比多d沙律咁....

應該點講...Thanks ^_^

回答 (7)

2007-04-14 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would like a spagetti with clams (with creamy cheese sauce/ tomato sauce), pizza( you may be asked about what kinds of topping would you like), eg. Extra cheese, pineapple, pepperoni etc

More salad/salad dressing

Could I have a bit more salad/salad dressing?
Please put more salad/salad dressing.

It all depends on the situation, for conversational matter. You just need to response, eg
In the menu, there may be a list of choices, you ain't going to order the same thing every single time, I hope. Just kidding!
2007-04-14 9:05 am
General oral English to be used in restaurant:

1. 我想叫一個蜆肉意粉和一個海鮮薄餅。

I would like to order a clam (蜆肉) spaghetti & a seafood pizza.

2. 我想多要一些沙律。

I would like to have some more salad.

3. 請結帳。

Can I have the bill?

4. 我請客。

It's my treat.

5. AA制吧!

Let's go dutch.

6. 打包。

Take away.

7. Other useful vocab:

starter (前菜), broth (清湯), main dish/ main course (主菜), desert (甜品), beverage (飲品)

garlic toast (蒜蓉包), prawn (蝦) salad, tiramisu (提拉米蘇), cappuccino (意大利泡沫咖啡)

spicy (辣的), fusilli (螺絲粉), spaghetti with meat sauce (肉醬意粉), chicken wings (雞翼)

8. Pizza specification (詳述):

Pizza with regular (普通) size or big size.

Thin crust (餅皮) or thick crust.

9. Pizza topping (餅料):

Italian sausage (意大利腸), pepperoni (薄片紅腸), mushroom (磨菇), green pepper (青椒)

10. To end up (總結):

Supposed that u need to end up the meal by expressing your graditute (謝意) to your foreign friends. In the Western tradition, the time being spent is more valuable than anything. Hence, u can tell the below line before saying good-bye.

" Thanks for your sharing of today! "
2007-04-14 8:37 am
i would like to order sphagetti with clam sauce
i would like order a pizza with ham and cheese
i would like to order a green salad
2007-04-14 8:28 am

冷 拼 hors d'oeuvres
蒸 steam, to evaporate
烤 bake, roast, toast, girll
炸 deep fry
炒 stir fry, fry, saute
蓉 shredded
羹 chowder, thick soup
野 菜 edible wild herbs
泡 菜 pickled vegetables
南瓜 Pum**in
蘿 蔔 Turnip
餃 子 Dumplings
乳 鴿 Pigeon
蟹 Crab
蝦 Shrimp , Prawn
红 烧 braise in soy sauce
鮮 Fresh/ Raw
素 菜 vegetarian dishes
排 骨 spareribs
牛油 Butter
奶油 Cream
芝士 Cheese
酥皮 Pastry/Puff Pastry
杏仁 Almond
開心果 Pistachio
慕絲 / 慕思 Mousse
英式鬆餅 Muffin
班戟 / 熱煎餅 / 熱香餅 Pancake
批 / 派 Pie
布甸 / 布丁 Pudding
泡芙 Puff
窩夫 / 格子鬆餅 Waffle
帶 子 Scallop
生 蠔 Oyster
龍 蝦 Lobster
墨 魚 Cuttlefish
青口 Mussels
龍利柳 Sole fillet
蒜 Garlic
雞 肉 Chicken
牛 肉 Beef
豬 肉 Pork
羊 肉 Lamb
鴨 肉 Duck
鵝 肉 Goose
田 雞 Frog
火 雞 Turkey
蘑菇 Mushroom
煙肉 Bacon
洋蔥 Onion
蜜桃 Peach
意粉 Spaghetti
松子 Pine nuts
沙律 Salad
肉碎 Minced Meat
粉絲 Vermicelli
茄子 Eggplant
2007-04-14 8:19 am
加多D沙律係can you add more salad for me,please?
pancake 煎餅
cheese 奶酪
fruit 水果
ice-cream 雪糕


2007-04-14 00:20:14 補充:
Can I have some salad for appetizer, spaghetti with clam and a slice of pizza?係上面果喥點講..
2007-04-14 8:15 am
Can I have some salad for appetizer, spaghetti with clam and a slice of pizza?
2007-04-14 8:14 am
Can I have some salad for appetizer, spaghetti with clam and a slice of pizza?

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