HEALTHY FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(40marks)

2007-04-14 6:32 am
Hepl!!!!!PLZ SUGGEST.......................
One healthy dish,One dish from a foreign country and One dessert.
giving reasons for each.(not less than 30words each)
For dessert, i suggest Caesar Salad w/ fruit ,but i dun kno how to describe it.THZ YR HELP

回答 (1)

2007-04-15 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
are these dishes all for a healthy menu or do u just want each of the seperately?
I'm assuming you want them seperately, so the foreign dish is in no way related to healthyness.... please tell me if you want ti healthy

healthy dish -
grilled beef with vegetables
beef is rich in nutrients we need everyday, including carbohydrate, protein and iron. carbohydrate provide the energy for everyday actions and warmth, protein is needed for bodycell growth, repair and musule development, and iron is good for one's blood circulation, espeically women. vegetables provides the fibre we need for a healthy digestive system.

foreign country -
ANZAC biscuits (australia)
ANZAC biscuits were a common snack made by house wives for the ANZAC troops that were sent away to war during World War One. it was popular because of its long shelf-life. it remans a popular snack today in australia in rememberance of the sucess of the troops reaching Gallipoli. It is one of the snacks that very well repersents australia as a country and a culture.

dessert -
(Caesar Salad with fruit is not really a desert... its an entree/appetizer/starter or something simular... but I can still do it if you want to)
caesar salad w/ fruit provides the freshness needed after a big meal. it doesn't weight you up more, and makes up a large amount of fibre needed per meal. it is one of the most popular salads around, and having it for desert means you avoid the fatness usually present in most other deserts.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:17:34
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