
2007-04-14 4:54 am
1. I am the beginning of sorrow,and the end of sickness.
You cannot express happiness without me,yet I am in the midst of crosses.
You may find me in the sun,but I am never out of darkness.
Can you guess who I am?
2. It is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space,
the beginning of the end,and the end of every space,
What is it?

回答 (4)

2007-04-15 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
(The beginning of sorrow is "S")
(The end of sickness is "S")
so the answer is "s"

(The beginning of eternity and end are "E")
(The end of time and space are"E")
so the answer is "e"
2007-04-20 7:01 am
1.S,because is the beginning of 's'orrow & the end of sicknes's' & the midest of cro's'ses
2.E,because is the beginning of 'e'ternity & 'e'nd & the end of tim'e' & spac'e'
2007-04-14 5:04 am
1. S
2. E
參考: myself
2007-04-14 5:04 am
1. the answer is "S"
2. the answer is "E"

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