(10分呀!!!!!)可唔可以幫我翻譯呢篇文章呀?因為要英文做功課ar!THX A LOT~~~~

2007-04-14 4:34 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-14 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Beijing, old name Peking. People's Republic of China's capital, is a municipality. Is China's political center and the cultural center, is also the nation biggest transport hub. Beijing history's glory, may trace as the urban history before 3000. Since the Qin and Han Dynasty, north part of a Beijing area direct line China's strategic place, the name has been called the setose thistle city, Yandu, Yanjing successively, mostly, Peking, the national capital, along the day government office and so on ......But Beijing's area is 16427.2 square kilometers. Beijing's scenic spot has many for example: The Lugouqiao, Old Summer Palace, the university tour, the Dashalan and Tiananmen hoist a flag and so on ......Speaks of Beijing's good food, really has numerous number! For example has: The oil cake pea-flour cake, the stuffed glutinous rice dumpling, the quick-boiled mutton, the roast duck, the bordeaux shredded meat, the stewin thick gravy burn down, the soybean milk (are not soybean milk!), the noodles with soybean paste, pouch hung at girdle the chain burns down, explodes the stomach, the cream fried cake, the egg to fill the cake, the stuffed dumpling, the candied haw, the soybean milk, the lunar new year's cake, the fried cake, the bean curd brain, the tea soup, to roast the sweet potato, the wonton, the sesame seed cake and Beijing roast duck and so on ......
Beijing roast duck is the reputation full Chinese and foreign delicacies. Now the overseas many Chinese restaurants also sold the roast duck. But it is the Chinese famous cuisine after all, must taste its real taste, but must eat Beijing to stuff a duck.
2007-04-14 4:53 am
Beijing, formerly Beijing. Department of the People's Republic of money capital, a municipal department. Department of China's political and cultural center, also the country's largest transportation hub. Koi, a long history, the history of urban drainage can be traced back to 3000 years ago. Han 嚟 in Beijing between China's northern region has been a major expense, the name has called UNITED city Yandu, Yanjing, mostly Beijing, the capital. Tracking…… and so on, both the Department of 16427.2 square kilometer area. For example : There are many famous Lugou Bridge, Koi, Yuanmingyuan, the University of Hong Dashilan and other celebrations in Tiananmen…… talked about food, money, really numerous! For example : cake Wandouhuang, Ai Wo Wo, Shuanyangrou, roast duck, braised pork silk Beijing, prawns burned, two processed (not soya milk! ) Australia, cummerbund chain burned, ad-lib, butter fried rice cake, pie filling eggs, dumplings, ice sugar, soya milk and cakes, fried rice cake, soybean curd, tea potatoes, wonton, fried and Beijing roast duck, roast duck and other…… Fame is a foreign cuisine. Many overseas Chinese restaurants are now starting to sell a duck. It is after all Chinese dishes to taste it Zhenwei, but also eat Beijing duck.

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