幫我用英文打返出黎牙 THX

2007-04-14 4:13 am
我最喜歡的偶象係陳奕迅, 。我鍾意佢係因為唱歌有個人風格同埋感情,唱歌超好聽
由佢一出道個陣時我就已經鍾意佢,我最鐘意聽佢 浮誇 and shall we talk 因為這2隻可以話係佢代表作
其實我一開始既偶像唔係佢,係李克勤 .但當我聽左陳奕迅shall we talk 所以佢就成為左我既偶像,其實佢唔單止唱歌好佢做戲都一樣咁正,佢做既每套我覺得佢非常攪笑,因而令我更加喜歡陳奕迅 thank~

各位大大 thank

回答 (3)

2007-04-14 1:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Eason Chan is my most favorite idol. I like Eason for his unique singing style. His songs are melodic, mind occupying and laden with emotions. Eason has been my idol back to the days when he just began his singing career. Of Eason's songs, I like "浮誇" and "Shall we talk" the most and I think that these two songs are Eason's masterpieces.

In fact, my past idol was Hacken Lee. Eason replaced Hacken and became my idol after I heard "Shall we talk." Eason is not only a good singer, he is also a talented actor. I have watched every single movie of Eason's, in which he took up humorous roles and I had a good time laughing. I like Eason more and more because of his humorous acting.
參考: Myself
2007-04-14 6:04 am
My favourite singer is Eason Chan. I like his style and the feel that he can give to a song. I am particularly fond of "Exaggeration" and "Shall We Talk", his two masterpieces.
In the beginning, I was a fan of Hacken Lee. Then, when I listened to Eason's "Shall We Talk", I was immediately captured by him and became his fan eversince.
Eason is not only good in singing, his acting is marvelous too. He was very funny in each of his movies. This makes me more crazy about him.
2007-04-14 4:26 am
My favourite idol is Chan Yik Shui.I like him because he has his own prsonailties and
emotions.He sings in tune of songs.When he first became a pop singer,I began to like him.I like his"swollen" and "shall we talk" because these two songs are his representative work.
However,my favourite singer wasn't Chan Yik Shui.It was Li Hak Kan.However,when I heard Chan Yik Shui's "shall we talk".He became my favourite idol.Also,his acting skills
are good,too.All of his films are very funny.Thus,it makes me like him very much.


2007-04-13 20:29:13 補充:
浮誇我唔知係拚音好定英文好,,,拚音係:FU KUA

2007-04-13 22:53:28 補充:
係At the begining同埋crazy係兩個sound((KK:、krezi)(DJ:、kreizi),,唔會係more,,,,只會係crazier,,,,,at既意思係在一些時刻-->when而in係在哪兒--->where一個地方

2007-04-13 22:54:48 補充:
同埋good之後係跟atexample:he is good at singing.

2007-04-13 22:58:27 補充:
he is very funny but not he was very funny因為佢做既每套戲係成日咁好笑-->always
參考: 自己

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