戰狼300 一問

2007-04-14 2:21 am


類似'.....3 to 1.......for Leonidas and the brave three hundred......'


回答 (1)

2007-04-14 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
即係 Dilios (單眼士兵) 最後帶兵千軍萬馬個段?

The enemy outnumbers us a paltry Three to One. Good odds for any Greek.

This day, we rescue a world from the old, dark, stupid ways.

And we usher in a future that is surely brighter than any we can imagine.

Give thanks, men, to Leonidas and his brave three hundred.

The order is given. The battle flutes play.

To Victory! We Charge!!
參考: from 300 Comic

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