有無人知點解唔可以用Double Click 開Excel o既File?

2007-04-14 1:52 am
但開啟Excel程式後才開file就無問題呢‧(其他Office o既 file 無問題)

第一: 我是WinXP + Office 2000 第二: 這是新created file


多謝小魚回答,但我已right click , select 開啟檔案 在 建議程式中, select excel 然後check (tick) Always use this program to open this file, 但不可以solve 問題

回答 (2)

2007-04-14 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
你所開的excel file 是以前舊version save 下來的呢.你留意吓, 當你save 一個新excel file 的extention 跟你不可以double click file 開的file是否一樣.如果不一樣,你try to use 'save as' and change the file type to 'default file/new file type'. 再試用double click 的方法開那個file.

2007-04-14 10:19:06 補充:
那你right click , select 開啟檔案 在 建議程式中, select excel 然後check (tick) Always use this program to open this file, 是否可以solve 你的問題呢?

2007-04-15 02:02:31 補充:
How about Try Tools - Options - General. Deselect "Ignore other applications."

2007-04-15 03:57:59 補充:
or pls send me a sample file. I am also win xp + excel 2000. At least, we know the problem come from the file or the program itself. I remember my colleague has this problem when my company change to use excel program from lotus 1-2-3.

2007-04-15 04:01:26 補充:
my email account is [email protected]
2007-04-18 7:46 pm
你做對了第一步, 再來請檢查一吓 XLS 類檔的關連.


然後响〔檔案類型〕揾出 .XLS 的檔案關連,如果佢唔係預設由
MS Excel 嚟開的話,就刪除佢吧.


再唔係,你可以重灌 MS Office,咁佢就會修正錯誤的關連的.  


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