
2007-04-14 12:00 am










回答 (3)

2007-04-14 12:02 am
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US slightly early once proposed is willing to subsidize 1,500 ten thousand US dollars, after accuses too parsimoniously, the American government already contributes the money sum to enhance to 3,500 ten thousand US dollars. The English government Wednesday (on December 29) pledged will provide 1,500 ten thousand pounds (2,900 ten thousand US dollars) to assist the first issue of disaster relief work. Two United States military fleet as well as is delivering the relief goods along with the ship 15,000 officers and soldiers to go to the disaster area. German premiers 施羅德 the appeal creditor's rights organization and the creditor nation permission hits by disaster in national Somalia and Indonesia postpones the foreign loan to repay. The United Nations rescues The United Nations humanity rescue motion manager indicated that, comes extremely prompt and is generous from the various countries rescue response. European Union aids business special commissioner to indicate that, aided the fund already 夠, how but the main question effectively provides the aid which the disaster area needed. The United Nations already dispatched the disaster to appraise the group went hits by disaster the country, the local rescue facility is distributing the disaster relief. United Nations officials early time once indicated that, it coordinates 10 national while the rescue motion aspects, faced with unprecedented challenge. At present has several million people in the tsunami disaster area to be destitute and homeless, moreover has the eruption disease the danger. The rescue facility said that, several hundred ten thousand survivors urgently need food and the potable water. In addition, they are burying the corpse and the repair infrastructure aspect urgent need international assistance.
2007-04-14 12:22 am
The United States has ever put forward to wish to subsidize USD 15,000,000 earlier, after being blamed to skin a flint too, the American government has already contribute money a sum to raise to USD 35,000,000.

The British government promises the relief work that will provide the 15,000,000 pounds(USD 29,000,000) help Issue 1 on Wednesday(December 29th).

Two American solider's fleets and are carrying to rescue supplies to go to disaster area with 15000 government troopses of the warship.

German premier Luo is virtuous to appeal the legal right organization and the legal right country allow the Suo horse mile in the disaster nation and Indonesia to postpone foreign loan liquidation.

The United Nations rescues

The United Nations charity action supervisor indicates the rescue that come from an international community responds very in time and generosity.

The EU helps the business specialist to indicate, helping the funds is enough already, but the main problem is to how provide what disaster area need to help availably.

The United Nations has already sent the disaster valuation group to go to the disaster nation, the local rescue organization is distributing to a relief article.

The officials of the United Nations have ever indicated in early time, it moderates the action aspects in rescuing of 10 nationses in the meantime, facing an unprecedented challenge.There is millions person to force to leave home and wander about in the tidal wave disaster area currently, and there is danger of breaking out the disease.

Rescuing the organization says, the millions luckily survive needs the food and drinking urgently.In addition, they are burying the corpse and the repair infrastructure to need nations urgently to help.
2007-04-14 12:03 am
US slightly early once proposed is willing to subsidize 1,500 ten thousand US dollars, after accuses too parsimoniously, the American government already contributes the money sum to enhance to 3,500 ten thousand US dollars. The English government Wednesday (on December 29) pledged will provide 1,500 ten thousand pounds (2,900 ten thousand US dollars) to assist the first issue of disaster relief work. Two United States military fleet as well as is delivering the relief goods along with the ship 15,000 officers and soldiers to go to the disaster area. German premiers 施羅德 the appeal creditor's rights organization and the creditor nation permission hits by disaster in national Somalia and Indonesia postpones the foreign loan to repay. The United Nations rescues The United Nations humanity rescue motion manager indicated that, comes extremely prompt and is generous from the various countries rescue response. European Union aids business special commissioner to indicate that, aided the fund already 夠, how but the main question effectively provides the aid which the disaster area needed. The United Nations already dispatched the disaster to appraise the group went hits by disaster the country, the local rescue facility is distributing the disaster relief. United Nations officials early time once indicated that, it coordinates 10 national while the rescue motion aspects, faced with unprecedented challenge. At present has several million people in the tsunami disaster area to be destitute and homeless, moreover has the eruption disease the danger. The rescue facility said that, several hundred ten thousand survivors urgently need food and the potable water. In addition, they are burying the corpse and the repair infrastructure aspect urgent need international assistance.

2007-04-13 16:04:13 補充:

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