如果響香港打去外國果d 1-800免費電話,係咪要俾長途電話費?

2007-04-13 11:40 pm
我想問吓如果響香港打去外國果d 1-800免費電話,係咪同打去一般電話無異,要俾長途電話費架?

根據irenetaikwong咁講,如果我打長途電話,係咪即係打完美國嘅國家prefix,再打1800就可以?咁就會駁去美國既1800,而唔係香港嘅1800? 唔好意思,我冇試過打長途電話去外國,所以問得chum氣d....

回答 (2)

2007-04-14 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't think u can be able to connect to that 1800 number becoz that 800 number is only for 外國 and if u call that number directly, u will ending up either connect to a toll free number in hk or a number that is not in service. If u only have that 1800 number and u really need to call out to the states and don't want to pay for the long distance then u maybe able to use the internet phone (but is very trouble).
2007-04-13 11:47 pm
Yes, Because it is US fee call, you need dail to US

2007-04-13 15:48:16 補充:
But if you dail at US or Canada just fee of charge

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