velocity of sound

2007-04-13 11:05 pm
sound is supposed to be transferring faster in higher density medium as it's a longitudinal wave,but why the velocity of sound in air is inversely proportional to the square root of the density of air and sound waves travel faster in hot air (low density) and slower in cold air (high density)?So, how is the total internal reflection of sound occurs?
Please ans both of the questions~

回答 (1)

2007-04-16 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some textbooks mistakenly state that the speed of sound increases with increasing density.

But in fact,

c = √( C / ρ )

c = The speed of sound
C = a coefficient of stiffness
ρ = density

The coefficient of stiffness relates to the strength of the bond between particles of a material. The stronger the bond, the higher the speed.

The higher the density, the greater the force is required to move the particles, hence the slower the speed.

For sound in air,

C = γ p
γ = adiabatic index
p = pressure

But p = ρ R T for ideal gas, so the effects of density and pressure cancel out. Hence

c = √( γ R T )

The total internal reflection of sound is more or less like that of light. It is a property of wave. But since the speed of sound is greater in solid or liquid, the total internal reflection occurs when sound travels from air to solid or liquid.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 16:28:21
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