
2007-04-13 10:31 pm
一九九六年,中國開始在全軍隊伍中選拔航天員,以配合積極發展航天事業的殷切需求。當時成績卓越的楊利偉,經過重重甄選、體檢、考核等嚴格程序,自一千 五百名候選人中脫穎而出;一九九八年元月,與其他十三人正式成為我國第一批航天員,集結於北京航天訓練中心,背負著我國千年來延續不絕的飛天夢想,開始了 前所未有的艱苦訓練。

  航空訓練與航天訓練截然不同。儘管飛行經驗 豐富,航天員的培育與訓練,卻非從基礎開始不可。在五年的艱苦歷程中,楊利偉先生初期接受基礎理論培訓,後期則接受航天技術訓練。在理論培訓方面,前後學 習三十多門課程共逾一百科目,涵蓋知識面極廣,從飛行動力學、空氣動力學、地球物理學,宇宙物理學到火箭推進、空間導航、太空飛行測控等,無所不包。在技 術訓練方面,則更需嚴格操控,如接受高g值載荷的考驗等,其艱辛程度,往往挑戰人類體能的極限。此外,航天員亦需在北京周遭如官廳水庫等處親身體驗水上出 艙、野外求存等情況,以便在逆境中發揮出轉危為安、化險為夷的力量。

回答 (2)

2007-04-13 10:34 pm
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1996, China begins to choose a spaceman in five the whole armies, develops the ardent demand for the space cause in order to cooperate actively. At that time prominent LiWei Yang, rigorously enforce the procedure very heavy to select, physical examination, examining,etc., since show one's talent of 1,500 candidates; In January of 1998, became the first group of spacemen of our country with 13 other people formally , concentrate it in the training centre of the spaceflight of Beijing , has extended the flying Apsaras without cease to dream of bearing our country over the past a thousand years, unprecedented hardship is trained at the beginning. Aviation is trained and trained with the spaceflight completely differently. Though it is experienced to fly, the spaceman's cultivation and training, can't but not since basic. In the arduous course of five years, Mr. Yang LiWei accepts basic theoretical training in initial stage , accepts space technology training on later stage . In theoretical training, study more than 30 courses and amount to more than 100 subjects from beginning to end, it is extremely wide to contain the range of knowlege, dynamics , aerodynamics , geophysics from fly, universe physics is learnt and navigated in rocket propulsion , room, the spaceflight is observed and controlled etc., all-embracing. In training in technology , need to control strictly even more, for instance accept the loaded test of high g value, its hard degree, often challenge the limit of human physical stamina. In addition, situation of seeking survival etc. that the spaceman also needs to go out of the cabin , field in experiencing water in person in the place such as Guanting reservoir around Beijing, in order to give play to the strength of pulling through , turning danger into safety in the adverse circumstance.
2007-04-13 10:40 pm
In 1996, China starts in the entire armed forces troop to select the astronaut, coordinates to develop the astronautics enterprise's earnest demand positively. At that time result remarkable Yang Liwei, passed through layer on layer selects, the physical examination, the inspection and so on strict procedure, from thousand 500 candidates in blooming; In January, 1998, becomes our country first group of astronauts officially with other 13 people, builds up in Beijing space training center, shoulders our country millennium does not continue 絕 the flying apsaras to vainly hope for, started the unprecedented difficult training.

  The air training and the space training are entirely different. Although the flight rich experience, astronaut's cultivation and the training, actually must start from the foundation not to be possible. In five year difficult course, Mr. Yang Liwei the initial period has basic theory training, later period accepts the space technology training. In the theory training aspect, around studies more than 30 curricula altogether to pass 100 subjects, the covering knowledge pole of the face is broad, from the aeronautical dynamics, the aerodynamics, the geophysics, the cosmical physics learns the rocket propulsion, the space navigation, the space flight observation and so on, all-embracing. In technical training aspect, then needs the strict control, like accepts Gao Gzhi the load the test and so on, its difficult degree, often challenges the human physical ability the limit. In addition, the astronaut must and so on place experience the aquatic cabin, the open country in Beijing all around like Guanting Reservoir to ask by oneself to save and so on situations, in order to displays the strength in the adverse circumstance which is out of danger, turns danger into safety.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:48:20
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