
2007-04-13 10:31 pm
楊利偉先生為中國首位登上太空的航天員。他那舉世矚目的輝煌成就,追根溯源,起始於東北小城一個勤勞樸實的教師家庭。一九六五年,楊利偉出生於遼寧綏 中縣,排行第二。楊先生幼承庭訓,深知處世宜踏實、為人應勤奮的道理,而腳踏實地的精神,也成為他日後翱翔萬里、一飛衝天的起點與動力
一九八三年秋,楊利偉自家鄉中學畢業,加入空軍第八飛行學院,一九八七年,以優異成績畢業,擔任國家空軍飛行員職務,一償夙願。在職期間,曾任中隊長、 領航主任,駕駛殲擊機、強擊機等機型,並曾安全飛行一千三百五十小時,技術高超,獲評為一級飛行員,一九九二年及九四年,先後兩次榮立三等功。

回答 (4)

2007-04-16 12:25 pm
完全不是英文. 如果你真系咁用左佢個翻譯. 死得!
2007-04-13 10:39 pm
Mr. Yang Li great the astronaut who mounts the outer space for the Chinese first place.His that attracts worldwide attention the magnificent achievement, gets to the bottom of a matter, a date from northeast small town industrious simple teacher family.In 1965, Yang Li is born great in the Liaoning Suizhong County, is the second child.Mr. Yang young receives the father's teaching, fully realized gets along with people steadfast, the manner suitably will be supposed the diligent truth, but conscientious spirit, also will become him to hover in the future Wan Li, the beginning and the power which as soon as will fly soars to the heavens in 1983 the fall, Yang Li graduates great from the hometown middle school, joins the air force eighth flying academy, in 1987, will graduate by the excellent result, assumption Country Air force pilot duty, as soon as will recompense the long-cherished wish.During one's term, once was appointed the squadron commander, senior navigator, drove types and so on fighter plane, attack plane, and once the safe flight for 1350 hours, the technology is excellent, attains evaluates the senior airman, in 1992 and 94 years, two times won the class three merit citation successively.
2007-04-13 10:38 pm
Mr. Yang Liwei the astronaut who mounts the outer space for the Chinese first place. His that attracts worldwide attention the glorious triumph, gets to the bottom, a date from Northeast small town industrious simple teacher family. In 1965, Yang Liwei is born in the Liaoning Suizhong County, is the second child. Mr. Yang young receives the father's teaching, fully realized that gets along with people steadfast, the manner should suitably the diligent truth, but conscientious spirit, also will become him to hover in the future the beginning and the power which Wan Li, will soar in 1983 the fall, Yang Liwei from the hometown middle school graduates, joins the air force eighth Flying academy, in 1987, will graduate by the excellent result, holds the post of the Country air-force pilot duty, as soon as will recompense the long-cherished wish. During one's term, once was appointed the squadron commander, senior navigator, drives types and so on fighter plane, attack plane, and once the safe flight for 1350 hours, the technology is excellent, attains evaluates the senior airman, in 1992 and 94 years, two times win the class three merit citation successively.
2007-04-13 10:35 pm
Mr. Yang LiWei mounts the spaceman of the space firstly for China. That brilliant achievement of world interest of his, trace to its source, originate in an industrious and sincere teacher's family of small city of the Northeast. 1965, Yang LiWei was born in Suizhong county of Liaoning, ranked the second. Family education bear Yang youngly in Mr., know very well it is should be steady and sure to conduct oneself in society, should diligent reason, and practicality, ten thousand li , one will fly in the towering starting point and autumn of 1983 of motive force to become him and soar in the future, Yang LiWei graduates from the middle school from the hometown, joins the eighth flight institute of the air force, 1987, graduate with the excellent achievement, pilot's post of national air force that serve as, meet the long-cherished wish . During the tenure of office , have assumed office as the squadron officer , navigation director , drive the models , such as the fighter plane , attack plane ,etc., and has flown for 1,350 hours safely, technology is superb , chosen as a first-grade pilot, 1992 and 1994, successively cited for Merit Citation,Third Class twice.

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