唔該 可唔可以幫我翻譯成英文呀

2007-04-13 9:52 pm
文法最緊要對 上網就咁譯我唔收貨嫁 唔該晒各位

上一個星期 我同我一個朋友 諗住整一個蛋糕送比我個班主任 多謝佢呢一年黎的悉心教導.我同我個朋友本身係唔識整蛋糕的 ,所以 我唯有問我學校的家政老師 同睇一些整蛋糕的書 希望能夠整到一個美味的蛋糕送比老師 .
經過多日黎的訓練 經過無數次的失敗 我終於學到小許整蛋糕的技巧 但還未整到一個好味的蛋糕 . 我送蛋糕給老師的前一天 我同老師講我一定做到一個好味的蛋糕給你 老師說無論個蛋糕好唔好味 我都會食 因為這是一番心意 . 聽完呢番說話之後我好感動 因此我會比心機做好呢個蛋糕.
做蛋糕的時候 ,我跟著食譜中的方法去做 , 應該不會有地方出錯 . 過了兩小時之後 ,我從焗爐中拿蛋糕出來, 發覺蛋糕有小小黑 和有一些焦味 那時我才發覺我竟然較錯焗爐的時間, 那時我非常唔開心 .
第二天 ,我拿著蛋糕給老師 ,他竟然沒有不開心的樣子 , 在我面前吃了那蛋糕, 那時我真的非常感動呀

回答 (4)

2007-04-13 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Last week, my friend and I thought about making a cake to my teacher because we want to thank her for her teachings throughout the year. Since my friend and I didn't know how to make a cake, we decided to ask our school's life skills teacher and look at some cookbook hoping to make a delicious cake for our teacher.

After numerous ups and downs, I finally learned few techniques for making a cake. However, my friend and I still couldn't bake a delicious cake. The day before I gave my cake to my teacher, I promised her that I will bake a cake that tastes good. My teacher replied that no matter how the cake tastes, she will eat it because I put in my effort in making it. After listening to her, I feel that I have to put in all my effort for baking the best cake for her.

I was following the cookbook's instructions in making the cake, hoping nothing went wrong. I took out the cake from the oven two hours later, noticing that the cake smelled a bit burnt and looked a little brown. I was very sad because I set the oven timer wrong.

The next day I gave the cake to my teacher. To my surprise, she wasn't upset. She even ate the cake in front of me, which makes me very happy!


2007-04-13 14:42:36 補充:
"After numerous ups and downs"should be "After numerous practices and failures,"sorry~
2007-04-14 1:19 am
The last week I think about the entire cake with my friend to deliver compare my teacher in charge many thanks 佢 year Lebanon's devotedly guidance. I am do not know the entire cake with my friend itself, therefore I only have asked my school household management teacher with looks some entire cakes the book to hope can care put in order to a delicacy cake delivers compares teacher. Passes through but after long time Lebanon's training innumerably time is defeated I finally to learn the young Xu entire cake skill not to put in order to a good taste cake. I deliver the cake to speak me to teacher's day before I with teacher certainly to achieve a good taste the cake for you teacher to say regardless of a cake is good the taste I all to be able to eat because this is a regard. After listens to a speech my favorable impression agent this I can complete a cake compared to the plans. Makes the cake time, I am doing with the recipes in method, should not be able to have the place to make a mistake. After crossed for two hours, I take the cake from cook the stove to come out, detected the cake had small small black and has some burnt taste me only then to detect at that time I was unexpectedly wrong cook the stove time, I extremely was unhappy at that time. Next day, I take the cake to give teacher, he does not have the unhappy appearance unexpectedly, has eaten that cake in front of me, I really extremely was moved at that time
參考: 可能有d錯
2007-04-13 10:54 pm
有可能出錯, 因為只有我自己check翻~
不過篇文有d怪, 就係開頭你仲有講個 friend

Our class teacher has taught us for a year. My friend and I planned to make a cake for him as thankyou last week.

We didn't know how to make it at first so I asked the Home Econonmics teacher and read some recipe books. I hoped we can make a delicious cake.

After a few days' training and a plenty of failure, I had already known some skills about making cakes. However, that was not enough to make a good cake.

I had told my teacher I would make him a tasty cake. He had said that he would enjoy it even an unpalatable one. I had been touched hearing that so I tried my best to make it.

When I made the cake, I did everything the recipe told. I didn't give any chance for errors. Nevertheless, the cake got a little scorched. I found that I set the baking time wrongly. I was very unhappy.

I gave the cake to him the next day. He was glad to receive it and ate it at once. I was impressed by it.
2007-04-13 10:30 pm
A week ago, my friend and I planed to make my form teacher a cake. There was a reason for doing so. It is a special thanks to his/her endless effort of guidance over the past year.
My friend and I both did not know how to make a cake. Therefore, we decided to get some informations from our home economics instructor. In addition, we read some cookbooks for ideas. We hoped that our teacher could have a tasty cake as a present.
After a few days of practice and failure. Althought I could not be able to label the product as superb, I finally grabbed hold of some basic techiques. The day before I delivered the cake to my teacher, I promised him/her that the cake is going to be great. My teacher told me that whether the cake was good or not, she/he still would eat it for the reason that the cake contained with our heart. With those words, I definitely would not put him/her down.
I followed every steps in the recipe, therefore it got to be good. When I took the cake out of the oven after two long hours of praying, I could see the cake is a little bit burn. I finally realized that I adjusted the baking time too long and the cake was overbaked. It was depressing. The day after, I still brought the cake to my teacher anyway. Not only that he/she was not disappointed at all, he/she tasted the cake in front of me. I was so moved.

2007-04-13 14:30:20 補充:

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