幫我改正D Gramma同可唔可以加多少少資料?3

2007-04-13 9:42 pm
What did I learn
I learn many things about global warming,such as
how does global warming cause-
1)Factories or vehicles produce smoke
2)People destroy lots of plants which can turn CO2 into fresh air
3)Ice in South Pole is melting so the temperature is increasing
What does Global Warming cause
1)Temperature will become hotter and hotter
2)Some places will be not able to live because these places are too hot for lives

回答 (2)

2007-04-13 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What did I learn
I learned many things about global warming such as,
how does global warming causes-
1)Factories or vehicles produce smoke
2)People destroy lots of plants which can turn CO2 into fresh air
3)Ice in South Pole is melting so the temperature is increasing

What does Global Warming causes to the world?
1)Temperature will continue to increase and sometimes fluctuates. From September to December 2006, the weather in the United States varies everyday. Someday the temperature is high; someday the temperature is low, which led to low crop productions for the farmers.
2)Some places will not be suitable to live in because those places are too hot to live in. If a person reaches to certain temperature, he/she may suffer heat stroke.

Hope it helps~
2007-04-14 2:09 am
MMing & Jackie,
Do not mind that I am taking Jackie's answer as illustration.
What did I learn(?)
I learned many things about global warming such as,
how does global warming cause( no need to add s)-
1)Factories and vehicles produce smoke
2)People destroy lots of plants that can turn CO2 into fresh air
3)Ice in South Pole is melting due to the temperature is increasing

What does Global Warming cause ( no need to add s) to the world?
1)Temperature will continue to increase and sometimes unstable at the season leading to low crop productions for the farmers.
2)Some places will not be suitable for living.

參考: my 40 years experience with foreigners

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