
2007-04-13 6:12 pm
學習樂天知足的人生觀 世事豈能盡如人意 ,凡事往好的一面想

To English

回答 (3)

2007-04-13 7:10 pm
學習樂天知足的人生觀 世事豈能盡如人意 ,凡事往好的一面想

Try & learn to be an optimist point of view, though life is not perfect, so, why don't we often look at the bright side.

並非與中文十足一樣, 但英文是這樣表達的. 希望可接受.
參考: SELF
Studies outlook on life humans affair which is content carefree how could entirely as desired, everything toward good thought at the same time

學習樂天知足的人生觀 世事豈能盡如人意 ,凡事往好的一面想
參考: me
2007-04-13 6:47 pm
Being an optimist, we should have a positive attitude towards life, because everything cannot come up as we want.

2007-04-13 10:48:38 補充:
對唔住,亂碼所以再補充Being an optimist, we should have a positive attitude towards life, because everything cannot come up as we want.

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