
2007-04-13 5:35 pm
去呢個web site 就有篇文


回答 (2)

2007-04-13 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
On April 27,Monday, a fisherman discovered a body while he was fishing at about 8:00a.m , the police examination defined the body belonged to Harriet, a thirty-three-years-old woman, it believed she committed suicide.

' I was fishing along the river bank and saw a shoe floating not far away from me. I went to check if anyone was there.Then I saw a women body .' said the panicky fisherman. The fishman said he called the inspector immediatly and gave the information he had to them.

The police examination did not find any dubiety of the case. There was baby clothes
holding in Harriet's left hand when her body was discovered.

'Yesterday was the last time I saw my aunt Harriet.She came to our house and asked my mum if she could borrow her baby because aunt Harriet's baby was abnomal. So she can get a certificate from the inspector. However, my mum refused her request and aunt Harriet left sadly.' sobbed David, the nephew of Harriet. Harritet had a one month baby but he could not be found.

Harriet had two bad babies before and they were sent away.Police believed she could not face the fact that she had another abnormal baby again, by failure in finding ways to solve that problem, she committed suicide. Police were now focusing on finding for her losting baby

2007-04-13 10:02:46 補充:
sorryshould be thirty-three-year-old womanand dunno why the ' ' turn into '
參考: me
2007-04-13 5:53 pm
On (Monday goes before the date) April 27, (what year), a fisherman discovered a (human? cadaver?) body (where? In the sea?) while he was fishing at about 8:00a.m, (.) (The)the police confirmed it was Harriet's body, a thirty three years )year old, not years old, it's an adjective) old woman. The police believed she committed suicide....

Let me know if you like it first.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:04:07
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