why do you think the disciples ran away when jesus was arrested.?

2007-04-12 9:10 am

回答 (16)

2007-04-12 9:15 am
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They thought the teacher had guests and the class was finished so that they went home
2007-04-12 4:30 pm
When Satan showed up to his heavenly Father in the heavens in the day of Job, one of the things he told God was that Job was only faithful to Him because of all of the blessing Jehovah bestowed upon him. Satan, at one point during this meeting said something to the effect... "skin for skin, what they won't do to save their skins", not verbatim... what he actually said was more: oh! but let me touch his skin!!! and then! see if he doesn't curse you to your very face!" which pretty much means just that and to this day anyone (even the Mafia) knows quite well that most people, when afraid of losing their lives will run away and try to avoid the threat of death...
About the person who insulted you about not knowing your scriptures, he simply confessed not knowing his as you weren't talking about when Jesus was a still a free man, when Judas kissed him on the cheek but later after he had been arrested like a common criminal...
At that point, sure it was "cool" for strong Peter to be brave as he knew real well the power of Christ to even resurrect the dead... so at that point, even an entire army wouldn't frightened him with his master at his side but once he was in the area where they had arrested him and the crowds were going nuts and crazy about the awesome show they were about to witness as they were prompted by the priests to demand the death of Jesus and nothing less, Yes, Peter denied three times even knowing Christ, as Jesus himself said that he would... out of fear of man! Fear of losing his own life...
After that, Peter went away and wept profusely as he heard the cock crow, it reminded him that Jesus had told him that and for this reason later on, (and I don't remember exactly where I read this... when it came time that they were going to nail him at the stake as they had Christ, he demanded to be nailed upside down, as he didn't feel deserving of even dying like Christ.
參考: Since I can't seem to find the scripture to back up the part about how Peter died and might have read about this in an addition in a "catholic bible", I shall retract it, as it is better when in doubt, to do without!
2007-04-12 4:21 pm
They feared the judgement that was coming down. That's why Peter denied the Lord. He was afraid. It was prophecied anyway.

And notice that Jesus forgave Peter. He must have loved Peter very much to do that. I hope that He loves me that much too.
2007-04-12 4:33 pm
Fear. They feared that they will be killed or go to prison so they didn't want to suffer. Faith. they had little faith, they didn't have faith that they will rise from the dead and they did not really have faith in Jesus Christ, they sometimes doubted him as the Lord and Saviour. Love for their lives. They loved their lives so much that they didn't want to give it up, they didn't want to die.
2007-04-12 4:21 pm
Jesus' friends were afraid of what would happen to them. Even Peter, the first Pope, was afraid, and denied Jesus not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES!!

This question can be put into modern times too.

We are afraid of the Truth.

Our world crucifies Jesus EVERYDAY, but many times we are just like his disciples-- we are afraid of what will happen to us. We don't want to be put down, so we hide ourselves.

If we learn to stand up for what we believe in, we will find much greater comfort than in hiding.

What's right isn't always POPULAR, and what's popular isn't always RIGHT.

Don't follow the crowd. Don't crucify Jesus.

Stand up for the Truth.

2007-04-12 4:21 pm
because they didnt understand what was going on.
they didnt understand why Jesus didnt hide or avoid those who wanted to arrest him.
they didnt understand why he didnt call the angels to fight for and protect him.
they didnt understand that his surrendering was the beginning of their release.
2007-04-12 4:20 pm
Fear and Doubt.
Fear. The Romans were a large force in the city, and were quite brutal. They did not want to be there, and most of the soldiers would gladly grab another 'religious fanatic' to beat on to relieve frustration at being stuck in a 'Jewish backwater town'
The fear of going through that kind of treatment would have been enough to scare off even the toughest man today .. how many go running when the cops turn up at a fight ?

Doubt. The disciples had seen, listened to and followed Jesus all about the countryside, and witnessed many great things, with little or no challenges to his Glory.
Now the tide had changed, and things seemed to be all against them.. so they felt doubt over just how much this man had said was true. The doubt alone turns so many souls to reject the Truth about him even today. ( ust read the halfwit questions else where in this topic area.. )
Both would be overcome as the 11 witnessed the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension the following days of the Arrest.
參考: Life
2007-04-12 4:17 pm
For the same reason Peter denyed Christ, they were so self confident that instead of being filled with the I AM they [see Isa.14:12-15] were filled with "i" that is "i" will never leave you, they felt that there own power was able to keep them plus they like Peter and like perhaps you and me are not "fully" converted, and that takes a broken heart so one can see one's self in The Light of Christ, and like perhaps us they were more than willing to follow as long as it took in no risk on there part, but when they knew that it was dangerous or harm or hardship might follow they did what others do today and go another way without understanding that everyone dies the first death but if one dies for Christ then whats the big deal He will give it back with A LOT of interest, find out more free on line bible lessons www.amazingfacts.org OR www.itiswritten.com God bless talk to me also [email protected]
參考: The Holy Bible
2007-04-12 4:14 pm
Because Jesus told them not to resist his arrestors. Peter was all set to fight them off with his sword, but Jesus stopped him.
2007-04-12 4:16 pm
Who's teaching you...? "Tom Cruse"...? ...please read the Book... when Jesus was arrested, his disciples fought the Temple guard to free Him... Peter, even brandishing a sword, cutting off the ear of one of the guardsmen... Jesus had to step in and command them to stop by saying... "stop, what am I leading here...? a rebellion...?) ...they stopped. Jesus then healed the guards ear...

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