
2007-04-13 5:21 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-13 7:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
過黎沙田一齊讀喇,我上年入去,而家我讀緊Lv.3.個Course要求好簡單,英文同maths有E就讀少一年,3年就得,讀晒佢就有HKIAAT, 不過ACCA冇記錯就得8份,要自己考埋果2份先得,不過到而家為止都ok得閒,可以係暑假考埋佢,就算未讀過account的我都重頂得順(一黎有人好似係咁,有account底,教得識我,二黎Lv.3先會開始接觸d advance 既野,唔駛怕),不過個人認為中英文都係要自己好好進修,課程provide的並不足夠.而且ive不像想像中的衰,都見到佢地有心力求改進ga,更何況facilities就真係唔錯,學得好快樂.聽講完左4年course加多個bridge course,做多3年野,就可以申請考入會計師公會.唔想咁快做野都得,完左個4年course都重可以接入本地的大學,or澳洲的大學.

課程detail 請看以下網址, 睇唔到既話都可以上番VTC搵 21921/F

[a href="http://www.vtc.edu.hk/prospectus/eng/course.php?action_type=detail&course_id=68"]按我[/a]
參考: 個人聽得到番黎既,VTC官網
2007-04-13 6:47 am
If you are 21 years old, try HKU SPACE

AC 41-101-00 (63)
Advanced Diploma in Accounting

Enquiry 查詢: 2867 8470/8487
Fax 傳真: 2858 4750
Email 電郵: [email protected]

Course Start Date 開課日期: 06 May 2007


CEF Course Code

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

either, have at least 2 passes at A level, and 3 passes at O level, one of which must be in English, or equivalent;
or, have a degree or diploma from a recognised institution;
or, be mature students aged 21 or above.

Day(s) / Time
either, weekday evenings, 6:45 - 9:45 p.m.; or Saturday afternoons, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m., or Saturday evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.; or Sunday mornings, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., or Sunday afternoons, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. Terms start in September 2006, January, May 2007.

2.5 years, part-time


Course Fee: Level 1: $3,400 per module (not including textbooks); Level 2 & 3: $3,980 per module.
Application Fee: $150, non-refundable

Medium of Instruction

Information and Application
Detailed information and an application form are available:

in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre.
by fax, at 2858 4750

Closing Date for Application
15 April 2007 for the May 2007 intake.
This 2.5-year programme gives students a solid foundation in Accounting. Holders of the Advanced Diploma currently receive exemptions:

from University of Hull - up to 12 modules of its Bachelor of Science (Hons) Accounting Degree Programme;
from Curtin University of Technology - up to 12 units of its Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), (Accounting and Finance) & (Accounting and Accounting Technologies) Degree Programme;
from Dongbei University of Finance & Economics - up to 5 exemptions of its Bachelor Programme in Accounting;
from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA);
from the Association of International Accountants (AIA);
from the Hong Kong Intsitute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIAAT).

There are 13 modules, each of which has 36 hours of lectures.

Level I

AC 41-101-01 (63)
Basic Accounting

AC 41-101-02 (63)
Legal Framework of Business

AC 41-101-03 (63)

AC 41-101-04 (63)

Level II

AC 41-101-05 (63)
Intermediate Accounting I

AC 41-101-06 (63)
Management Information Systems

AC 41-101-07 (63)
Intermediate Accounting II

AC 41-101-08 (63)
Quantitative Methods

Level III

AC 41-101-09 (63)
Management Accounting

AC 41-101-10 (63)

AC 41-101-11 (63)
Financial Management

AC 41-101-12 (63)
Hong Kong Taxation

AC 41-101-13 (63)
Business Organisation & Organisational Behaviour

Exemption from up to 8 subjects can be granted to students with suitable qualifications from recognised post-secondary institutions or professional bodies.
Assessment is based on coursework (30%), final examination (70%), and attendance (at least 80% of the sessions).

:::: Continuing Education Fund (CEF) ::::
This programme has been included in the list of CEF reimbursable programmes. Application for CEF has to be made before commencement of the programme. Details can be found at http://www.info.gov.hk/sfaa/cef

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