
2007-04-13 5:21 am

回答 (3)

2007-04-13 5:50 am
no ,it is wrong , if u want to give that kid the birth , u have the responsebiltiy to take care of him , if u cant do i t, u should ask other for help , or even dont give him the birth,if u give the birth and dont give him ur love, care,it is even horrible then no give the birth~
2007-04-13 5:30 am
參考: me
2007-04-13 5:29 am
i dun think it's correct, um.. i think it's a matter of responsibility. even though he is poor, but once he had decided to have the children, he should know he's the one to take care the kids, economic constriant is never an excuse!!!
also, the gov't has lots of schemes to help these people, right?

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