翻譯!唔該!10 分 ga!

2007-04-13 5:10 am
請問可唔可以幫我翻譯 <問世上有幾多愛> gor首歌做英文!但係一定要 rhyme同埋
"口岩"音 gu wo! Before Tuesday plez!!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-13 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is published has more than several loves to reveal the infinite US friendly elephant in society parental love never to change

Makes me has facing all reply inexhaustible faith humanity dear ones in likes really

Day and night offers all sorts of concern dear ones there is no place not presently to look like the spring breeze to blow the body and mind to go to me to fill with tired vulgar Cheng Shixing to have this kind of love to reveal the human ultimate good to be able, in this funeral music life makes in my heart warm
2007-04-13 5:12 am

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