中文譯英文 (急急急)

2007-04-13 3:26 am
pls use 'since 2006' at the end

回答 (6)

2007-04-13 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have worked in abc company as one and a half years officer since 2006.

I hope that the above information is useful for you!! =]
2007-04-13 3:40 am
I have been working for ABC company as a clerk since 2006
2007-04-13 3:38 am
I work in this abc company being a civil servant have one and half past years since 2006
參考: myself
2007-04-13 3:35 am
I do clerk in the abc Company for One and a half years.

I hope I can help you!

2007-04-12 19:37:03 補充:
I do clerk in the abc Company since 2006.
參考: me
2007-04-13 3:33 am
I am a clerk in abc company and I have worked there since 2006.

2007-04-12 19:34:56 補充:
hope can help you 拉___*你話你work there since 2006人地就知係1年半嫁喇 !!
參考: 我的大腦
2007-04-13 3:31 am
I work in company ABC being a civil servant for one and a half years since 2006.

2007-04-12 19:32:26 補充:

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