中文→英文  關於【飲茶】唔該哂各位!!!15點

2007-04-13 3:07 am


唔該你唔好直接成篇番英文la, 好cheap! 真係唔該各位有心人幫幫手, 唔好好似以下e位人兄咁cheap, 呃points

回答 (3)

2007-04-13 4:12 am
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There is an interesting legend“knocking on the table”in drinking-tea custom. Once upon a time, the emperor Qianlong privately visited the folk, and drank tea with the local official Zhou riqing in a teahouse.

After pouring tea to himeself, the emperor also poured to Zhou riqing. Zhou riqing immediately felt extremely shocked, but did not dare to kneel down and thanked for the graciousness of the emperor, as he was worried about exposing the status of the emperor.

So what could he do? He quickly knocked on the table three times with two flexural fingers instead of kneeling down. Thus, this manner quickly spread in the folk and became a kind of thankful manner colloquially.

This is certainly a legend. Qianlong maybe never poured tea for himself in his life much less pouring tea to others.

Therefore, when someone pouring tea to the other, one should knock near the cup on the table which mean "thank you" and "please". It is a kind of politeness.
參考: myself
2007-04-13 3:35 am

In drinks in the tea custom to have one "knocks on refers to 還禮" the interesting rumor, fable Emperor Qian Long has time wears poor clothing so as to be inconspicious privately visits, Sunday on the clear teahouse drinks tea with the local official. After emperor pour out serves tea, also conveniently for Sunday clear pours out serves tea. Sunday clear immediately feels extremely flattered, also does not dare 跪謝 the dragon graciousness, perhaps exposes emperor under the big crowd of people the status. How should this be good? He thinks quickly in emergencies, with double refers to the flexure, knocks on 3 on the tabletop, replaces kneels down to kowtow the ritual. From this, then spreads to the folk, becomes one kind to be established by usage "thanks" the etiquette. This certainly is the fable, Qian Long life all has not possibly poured out the tea for oneself, much less conveniently poured tea to the person. Therefore the teahouse person pours tea 俾 the person, o each one person meets o is the cup isolation knocks is has "thanks" with "should not" a meaning, is one kind of politeness
2007-04-13 3:13 am
In drinks in the tea custom to have one "knocks on refers to Also Ritual" the interesting rumor, fable Emperor Qian Long has time wears poor clothing so as to be inconspicious privately visits, Sunday on the clear teahouse drinks tea with the local official. After emperor pour out serves tea, also conveniently for Sunday clear pours out serves tea. Sunday clear immediately feels extremely flattered, also does not dare 跪謝 the dragon graciousness, perhaps exposes emperor under the big crowd of people the status. How should this be good? He thinks quickly in emergencies, with double refers to the flexure, knocks on 3 on the tabletop, replaces kneels down to kowtow the ritual. From this, then spreads to the folk, becomes one kind to be established by usage "thanks" the etiquette. This certainly is the fable, Qian Long life all has not possibly poured out the tea for oneself, much less conveniently poured tea to the person. Therefore the teahouse person pours tea 俾 the person, o each one person meets o is the cup isolation knocks □is has "thanks" with "should not" a meaning, is one kind of politeness performance.
參考: 我

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