
2007-04-13 2:13 am
He, good at singing, is my brother

如果這樣寫: He,being good at singing, is my brother 這句子是對嗎?

回答 (4)

2007-04-13 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
He, good at singing, is my brother 係無錯架,
係外國d 既寫法, 佢地會加comma, instead of 寫好多字
如果要用字instead of comma, 可以寫成
1. he is my brother who is good at singing.
2. the one good at singing is my brother
當然做有其他方法都寫到同意思架啦 =]

至於he, being good at singing, is my brother 就唔岩喇
因為being 係唔需要既
參考: 自己
2007-04-13 3:33 am
The boy who is good at singing is my brother.
2007-04-13 2:28 am
He is my brother who is good at singing.
2007-04-13 2:18 am
應該係" He is good at singing who is my brother

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