2007-04-13 1:18 am
我見到好多人都取得ATCL或DipABRSM,但點解咁少人會再繼續學上去呢?ATCL再去LTCL,通常要再練多幾多年? 咁FTCL是不是就是可以去開演奏會的程度?

回答 (2)

2007-04-13 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is because it is already very difficult to get even pass in the associate dips, especially DipABRSM. These dips require a very high standard of both technical and musical fluency. Also if you get ATCL or DipABRSM already, you already have a very good musicianship, especially for DipABRSM.

It depends on yourself. Normally 1 or 2 years is/are needed.

Do you mean that you will be like Lang Lang, Kissin and other pianist (or maybe other instruments), giving dozens of recitals in the world-famous concert halls? Just imagine. You listen to the CD of these great pianists for preparing your FT recital, and then, ok, you pass it, and so you record CDs like these pianists and give a world tour? If it is so, there will be billions of these concert pianists!!!
Although you may say that you may perform the pieces in your recital repertoire again after your FT exam in concert, I am sure that's not enough for you to become a famous pianist. Just look at Horowitz's repertoire. You may see 10-something pages of these pieces. And for the FT graduates. Only about 2 hours repertoire! (included AT, LT and FT recitals)
If you really want to become a famous pianist, you surely have to study further more after FT.
2007-04-13 8:31 am
Yes, FTCL, LTCL diplomas require very much much time to practice.
They are really very difficult to pass.

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