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我覺得在餐廳一定唔可以吸煙 因為這樣會影響了在餐廳不吸煙的人仕的健康
I think smoking should be absolutely prohibited in the restaurants because it will affect the health of the non-smokers there.
. 我覺得這是一件不公平的事
This is an unfair event.
雖然吸煙是沒有犯法 但是迫其人吃二手煙是一件不要得的事
Although smoking is not an illegal behaviour, it is really a bad deed to force others to breathe in second-hand smoke.
Therefore, I think smoking in the restaurants should surely be banned.
這還會令餐廳受到損失 因為有些人怕了吃煙 令到那餐廳既客量流失呀!
Moreover,the number of customers will decrease because some people are afraid of second-hand smoke in the restaurants and avoid going there. This makes the restaurants suffer from financial loss.
在3年前, 我在一間餐廳吃晚飯 ,
Three years ago, I had my dinner in a restaurant.
在我吃飯的時候 ,我嗅到一陣令人作噁的氣味.
While I was eating, I smelt a kind of disgusting odor.
那時我才發覺有人在餐廳吸煙 ,因此 我向餐廳的職員投訴 ,
At that moment I discovered someone smoking. So, I forwarded my complaint to the staff of the restaurant.
但餐廳的職員話他們有權在餐廳內吸煙, 因為沒有法例去管制 ,那時我非常氣憤 .
But, the staff said that the smokers had the rights of smoking there since there had not been any law to restrain them. I was extremely angry then.
幸好現在香港已經有法例去管制這一班吸煙人仕 ,
Luckily there have been laws to restrain the smokers nowadays.
這是不吸煙人仕的喜訊 ,
This is good news for the non-smokers.
令到香港會有新鮮的空氣 , 不會再被吸煙的人所污染,
It allows Hong Kong to have fresh air that will no longer polluted by smokers.
. 香港應該早一些去立這法例 ,吸 煙實在討厭了.
Smoking is actually so annoying that the laws against it should be set up even earlier.